chapter 27

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Danni's POV

I had spent the whole day finishing packing up anni's room.

It was now just an empty room with a bed and boxes.

It was now around 3 and I was making myself a coffee when my phone started to ring.

Anni? Wasn't she going out with a friends after school.

when I answered I saw anni was in tears.

"Dani- mum I'm so sorry." She quietly sobs.

"What's wrong?" I asked panicked

"Ally- shes uh."

"Why dont you show me?" I ask as I realised she was at allys.

"I came back early to pick up my purse and I heard this.." she quietly tells me as she walks up the stairs.

I heard moaning noises get louder and louder as she got closer to the master bedroom, I felt my heart drop to my stomach.

"Anni have you got the house keys?"

"Yeah." She sighs, all she wanted was for her mum to be happy again but now shes heart broken again.

"Gather all your things and go home then I want you to pack as much as you can because we have a chang of plans we are moving back here." I sigh as I grab my keys and my hand bag. " I'm heading home now and help pack the rest."


"Okay, when your done I want you to bang her door and I'll let you swear this one time and then I want you to get out of there."

She nods slowly. "Love you mum, see you soon?"

"I'll see you soon baby.."

I quickly run across the street, if we were going to pack everything in my apartment by tonight, I'm gonna need some help.

"Dani? What's up." Emma asks when she opens the door, I must to like an absolute mess.

"I need you to help me pack my apartment in Glasgow and I need to be out of there by tonight." I sigh wiping my face. "I'll explain on the way."

"Okay I'll grab the boys and Chris, they can take Chris's car and me and you can take yours."

"See you in the car." I quickly thank her before running to the car.

I probably have under five minutes to collect myself, but my deep breaths once again turn into sobs.

"Hey dani, why dont you get into the paps seat.." I hear a soft voice ask me when I hear a door open.


"Yeah, I was just going to ask if you wanted me to come help. It would go quicker with an extra set of hands and you definitely can drive right now."

I not before just climbing over into the passage seat, allowing her to get into the drivers while I watch emma walk across the street.

"The boys have your address now, they are gonna meet us there." Emma says as she climbs into the back seat. "Now explain what's happening."

I pulled out of the drive way as my mum asked danni for an explanation at why we were going to her apartment to pack that up instead.

"Anni was meant to be going out for dinner with her friends tonight but she forgot her purse. When she got to Ally's, she heard moans and so she called me." Dani stuttered out. "So I've decided we are moving back, I got a job offer as junior ceo at the company's business here but I was happy where I was but now I'm going to take it."

"Oh danni..."

"That's why I want out Tonight, anni's area packing up her room. We are leaving tonight so I dont have to see ally."

"Right, I'm sure we can get you out by tonight." I say as I follow her directions to her house.

Once we arrive in the apartment block in Glasgows city centre, I pull up behind my dads car and dani jumps out straight away.

"Anni!" She says running over to the girl who was standing with my brothers.

"Mum." I see the teens girl physical relax when she sees her sis- mum.

The stand there just hugging each other for a while before they lead us inside the building and up to the apartment floor.

Once we are inside we all take a task and start helping, dad was packing up the living room, the twins taking a bathroom each, anni in her room, mum doing the kitchen and I was doing the hallway cupboard.

Which only took 5 minutes, so I walk towards danni's room to find her chucking hoodies and other items of clothing across the room.

I quick pull her into a hug, what she fights st first bit after a couple moment she melts into me.

"Its ok..." I whispered into her ear, as I gently swayed us side to side.

After awhile I pulled away and lead her to the bed.

"What do you need me to do?" I asked her as I started to pick up everything she chucked.

"That's all Ally's and everything in the open draw is hers aswell." She mumbled " just stick it in the box that says dickhead."

I nod and clean the whole draw and tape the box up.

"I'm going to just leave it here, when she realises I'm not at the house shes going to come here, hopefully I'm gone." She sighs as she get off the bed and strips the covers from it while I start packing up her pictures wall.


It's been about an hour and her bedroom was finished.

"everything is packed so if you girls are ready. Chris is filling the cars." Mum said as she walked in.

"Okay, thank you." She said with a sigh of relief.

"Theres another thing. Cathy (nextdoor neighbour) called, ally was banging on the door looking for you. She left 20 minutes ago so shell be her in 15 at most so have a packed your car first so you, jess and anni have to go now so there is no chance she'll see you."

"Okay well everything is done in here, the box marked with dick head is allys just leave it in the living room if she isn't here when you leave as she has keys. If she is here before you do just hand it to her."


"Thank you for helping me today, it means alot." Danni spoke as we were unloading the car and anni was taking the boxes in.

"Its no problem, I do still care for you. You weren't just my girlfriend you were family." I answered with a small smile.

"Then why did you completely blank me after you broke up with me. If you cared so much you would of told me why." She hissed out before taking a deep breath. "Sorry I'm pissed at ally I shouldn't be taking my anger out on your. Thanks for all your help."

With that she walks inside and anni comes out to collect more boxes.

"Want some help?" I ask her as I close the now empty car and hand her the keys.

"That would be great, mum took a bottle of wine to her room. I dont blame her tho." She sighs before shaking her head. "And emma should be here with the rest of the boxes soon."

I smile before grabbing a box and carrying it into the house.

I haven't been here since me and danni would sneak across the street when we were still in high school.

We would watch a movie or go to her bedroom and do what we couldn't become once my parents found out we had to keep my door at least 3 inches open.

Maybe now dani is single I could try to make it up to her and hopefully we can get back together but if not hopefully I'll get my best friend back atleast.

Not proof read
1323 words

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