Chapter 11: The Draconian

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Author's Note: Please be aware that Kashi's stat table in this chapter is currently incorrect. I'm searching for the stat calculation document, but did not want to hold back the chapter any longer. Will be fixed before the end of the week. Thanks for your understanding.

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Five Minutes Ago

Kututututu! Within the fiery depths, a giant spider rapidly skittled across the ground as it made its way to a predetermined location. On the spider's back, a tutsi bowl glowed as the being enclosed within underwent a rapid evolution.

[Congratulations on Awakening Your Fire-Lightning Elder Dragon Soul

There is a clash between your soul and body. Body Reconfiguration Will Now Commence.

Body Reconfiguration: 4%... 8%... 12%...]

"Argh!" Torrents of explosive ki and mana surged as the being desperately sucked in the surrounding mana like an endless black hole.

Within the tutsi bowl, Kashi barely regained consciousness before terrible pain assaulted his senses. It felt like someone poured hot lava underneath his skin, melting his bones and blood before reforging them anew.

Typically, the system would have booted out any gamer that experienced this level of pain, but perhaps because of Kashi's past records, it permitted him to stay conscious throughout the entire process.

Fortunately, while the pain was unbearable, it did not last too long. Kashi grimaced as a new network of veins replaced the old. His inner organs shone with a jade-like lustre, as incomparably tough as they were beautiful.

Kashi's heart underwent the greatest change. His heart rapidly swelled up and then split into two. One half then doubled in size while becoming at least ten times denser and heavier. All blood channels connected to this heart, which pumped out blood with pressure comparable to natural geysers.

The second heart, however, shrunk as it rapidly absorbed all the mana in Kashi's body, and the surrounding areas. Once it became 'full,' the heart completed its transformation into a small, tennis-ball like orb. Mana burst out of the monster core as it created an even more efficient network throughout Kashi's body.

Dragons were beings loved by mana. Kashi finally understood why this was the case. The dragon core was unlike anything Kashi had ever seen. Even in this infant stage, the ease with which it absorbed and distributed mana around the body was terrifying.

[Congratulations on Establishing a Dragon Core!

Dragon cores stand at the top of all monsters in mana manipulation. Through great peril and effort, you have won this trait for yourself.

Effects: WIS (+200) INT (+400) All Mana Costs (-20%), Spell Activation Time (Tier 1 – 3 NULL) (Tier 4 – 6 -25%), Spell Mana Cost (-75%)]

Kashi's changes were not limited to the interior, however. Blood seeped from Kashi's body as brand-new obsidian scales pushed grew underneath and then pushed his skin out of the way. He then groaned as a pair of curved horns stabbed out of his skull. Red and blue mana lines crisscrossed around the obsidian horns, giving them a strange, exotic look.

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