Chapter 27: Envy

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Bok's translucent figure slowly appeared atop Oni Hill, just a few meters away from the magnificent throne. *cough* *cough* The combination of his internal injuries and nausea from the teleportation caused him to double over and cough up blood once his body solidified.

"I see. So, you lost."

Bok shivered once he heard the sultry voice. He immediately looked up at the powerful figure who stood at the mountain's edge, gazing down at something unseen.

Despite his inner panic, Bok, who had resolved to raise the goblins' status resisted the urge to grovel at her majesty. Instead, he bowed his head in apologetic respect. "I could not defeat the daeben, Kashi. He is far too strong. I am afraid our intelligence might have underestimated his strength." Bok was about to add some more, but he then winced and clutched his head.

"Your duplicate memories must have arrived," remarked Queen Alia with an all-knowing smile. "So, tell me; aside from Kashi, are the others worthy of consideration?"

"I feel none of them can match you," Bok stated matter-of-factly. This was not empty flattery, but an inference from the battle against the invaders. "However, many of them are on par or even stronger than the average Primate. I would be worried if they could battle consecutively, but the Primates should be able to stall them long enough."

Queen Alia's lips spread into a ghost of a smile. "I cannot help but notice you said 'stall'. Do you not think your fellow primates capable of victory?"

Bok shook his head. "Leaving Kashi aside, there are at least four individuals that I believe could quickly clear all the floors as long as they fight one at a time." The goblin's brows furrowed as a particularly annoying memory surfaced. "One of my clones almost eliminated an invader. If I knew, I would have bought a little more time."

"Eliminating the weaker ones might not necessarily be a good thing." Without expanding any further, Alia glanced at Bok. "From what you saw, can the remaining Primates buy us enough time?"

Bok hesitated, but then truthfully answered, "It would depend on their attitude. We have a chance if they avoid direct combat and focus on buying time."

"A Primate has a Primate's pride," replied Alia with a sultry smile. She glanced at the mandala slowly forming in the sky and then closed her eyes. "It would seem I need to prepare to welcome our guests." After a short pause, she added, "You should return home, Bok. Oni Hill does not permit losers to meddle in subsequent battles."

Bok's heart jumped. Was Oni Hill that perverted? He thought the mountain gave him a second chance to fight by teleporting him to the top, but Queen Alia made it sound like that wasn't the mountain's intention. Did the mountain's designer have a torture fetish? Why else would he willingly remove his defenses?

Queen Alia noticed Bok's stunned expression but did not offer any further explanation. To be fair, she was also struggling to understand Razznik's character from Cathek's stories and Cathek's. Unfortunately, it seemed she only got more confused with every tale.

"Well, it is sufficient for him to grant our wish." If there was one thing Alia confirmed from the scattered stories, it was that Razznik acted like a karmic regulator. He always rewarded those who helped him and destroyed those who obstructed opposed, or slighted him. It was like Razznik was loathe to ever find himself in debt to others, whether positively or negatively.

Bok took in the Queen's resolute gaze. Even now, he could not believe she had no scorn in her eyes. Despite the Order's claim of promoting equality, Bok had come across a few members who looked down on his background. Sure, they did not outrightly call him out, but the sensitive goblin picked up the signs. Initially, he did not care, as long as he could use the Chaos Order to complete his vengeance.

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