Chapter 47: Larsial's Choice

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A few minutes before Razznik and Kashi's final clash, Queen Alia appeared next to Larsial, who remained pressed against the ground due to Razznik's godly pressure. The daeben queen examined the former spy's bitter smile and was surprised to see reluctant envy. "You appear to envy the Maggots, or should I call them Wolves now? Are you taken by them?"

Larsial's heartbeat quickened. She could not believe Queen Alia of all people was speaking to her. The Queen had always been an existence beyond her reach and comprehension. Fortunately, daeben women were extremely logical, so she quickly shelved her awe, and instead ran several hypotheses on why the queen would approach her. Despite her insecurities, Larsial honestly replied, "I suppose I do envy them. They are close, like a family. From what I've seen, every member of their guild is treated with utmost respect and fairness from the very top to the bottom."

Alia's brow slightly rose. "Are you saying we do not treat our warriors fairly?"

Larsial released a bitter laugh at Alia's question. The daeben queen's ridiculous question caused several memories to flash through Larsial's mind. Memories of being spat at, pushed down and scornful sneers thrown her way by older daeben women. Larsial forcefully swallowed years of rage, opting instead for a bleak laugh as she said, "Our very hierarchical matriarchal structure does not permit that."

"Mm." Alia surprisingly did not deny the accusation. "Indeed, our people's culture has caused plenty of grief for young daeben. However, the Chaos Order is different. We promote, not based on matriarchal gender, but merit." A dangerous glint festered in the daeben queen's eyes as she looked at Larsial. "Do you claim otherwise? Do you know someone who abused their positions to prevent promotions?"

Larsial shivered under Alia's glare. She did not doubt that Alia would go on a bloodbath within the Chaos Order if anyone was proven of abusing their position that way.

Luckily, that was not Larsial's intent. Larsial shook her head. "The Chaos Order might promote based on merit, but the majority of its leaders are still daeben women."

"Is that a problem? We are capable, and so we lead. This is no surprise."

Larsial nodded. "We are indeed capable. But our culture is, as the Summoned would say, shitty."

Larsial's insult caused Alia's brows to furrow even deeper. No one would appreciate someone insulting their culture, let alone the leader of said culture. Fortunately, Alia was not the kind of queen that ruled with an overly-inflated ego. Her deceased mother was the prime example of what happens to an egotistical leader who snubs the counsel of their people. "Care to elaborate?"

"I should not have to." Larsial rebuffed with a snort. Perhaps because she had been in Kashi and Shadow's presence for so long; she found her in-born awe of the daeben queen slowly fading with time. "Just ask any low-ranking Acolyte. Sure, we promote based on merit, but those at the top rule those below with an iron fist. Acolytes dare not speak back to Priests for fear of punishment or death, let alone a Primate."

"That is only natural," Alia stated with staunch conviction. There was no trace of doubt in her mind. "Those above must rule those below. By jointly achieving every member's goal in life, we propagate untold Chaos upon the world and ourselves. Only through strict Order can you mitigate Chaos."

"Perhaps." Larsial had heard that reasoning so many times in her life she could not bring herself to doubt it. "But, are we incapable of finding a better way? We promote perfection or death. How many people do we sentence to death for failing a mission every year? Ten? Hundred? Many more? We use fear to keep ourselves and the world in line."

Listening to Larsial's rebuke that almost sounded like a plea, Alia sighed. "Your dilemma is one that countless philosophers have pondered on for millennia. You have been to society during your missions. Let us leave aside the thieves and murders. Tell me, do you believe good citizens are good citizens because they are good people, or because they fear the law?"

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