Naturally Unnatural

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A/N: I am so very sorry for the long wait. I have discovered that real life sucks and all I want to do is move to a deserted island and spend my time sunbathing and writing fanfiction and books... Sadly that is not something that can happen.

Anyway, here you have a chapter, finally!

Almost two weeks after their family outing to the grill Elena walked into the Mikaelson Mansion with a smile. Her and Jenna had had a girls night around a week ago at the Gilbert house with Rebekah, Caroline and Bonnie, where they had planned their revenge on the ones who were stupid enough to prank Bonnie.

They had such a great time, drinking different mixed drinks, eating ice cream and planning 'accidents' and when Elena had told them about her relationship with both Nik and Elijah she had been hugged and supported by her friends.

Rebekah had even squealed in happiness as she hugged Elena and called her sister. Caroline had smirked at her in a peculiar way and refused to say what she meant by the look, no matter how much Elena pestered her about it.

Bonnie and Jenna had been calmer about it and just said that as long as Elena was happy than they were happy for her. Then Jenna had asked if the brothers would be up for family dinner when the whole thing with Stef had been solved.

"Elena?" Finn spoke up, knocking her from her thoughts.

"Hey Finn." Elena smiled at her friend.

"You came." Finn looked relived.

"Of course, I did." Elena assured him. "You're my friend. You call, I come."

"Hello, kitten." Nik walked up to her and kissed her softly.

"Nik." Elena smiled up at him.

"Everyone is gathered in the sitting room." Nik told Finn with a worried look.

Nik had told Elena that he worried for all of his siblings even now when Mikael was dead. One thing that really worried him was that Finn, the last time he had been awake, had been almost suicidal and very depressed. And while he seemed to be happier and feel better now, Nik still worried.

To give Finn a little more time to get his thoughts straight, Elena turned to Rebekah with a sarcastic sympathy smile, "Have you heard about the terrible accident that occurred yesterday evening?"

"Not that I can recall." Rebekah hummed.

"Oh, it was horrible." Elena did her best impression of a gossipy housewife. "Some kids where having a party and the house they were in collapsed, burying them all alive."

"Oh no." Rebekah mocked gasped. "Are the kids okay?"

"No, all of them were DOA." Elena looked down with mock sadness before she looked up and caught Rebekah's eyes and they burst out laughing.

"Did you kill the ones that hurt and pranked Bonnie in such a cruel way?" Elijah asked with a smirk.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Elena denied a hand on her chest like she couldn't believe Elijah could say something like that.

"You did have something to do with it!" Kol laughed loudly.

Elena turned to Kol with a devious smirk on her face, "Nothing you can prove."

Elijah walked up to her and pulled her into a passionate kiss, leaving Elena breathless and tingly all over. When Elijah pulled back, she could see the heat in his eyes and in some ways, she just wanted to tell him to take her to bed but that was not why they were here.

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