Miss Undercontrol part 4

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After the morning interviews Elena met Pearl and Anna at the grill for a late breakfast.

"Anna." Elena hugged her and Anna was as usually shocked but she was starting to get used to getting a hug from Elena every time they met.

"Elena." Anna said softly then she pulled back to introduce he mother. "Elena this is my mother, Pearl Zhu. Mom this is Elena Gilbert."

"It's an honor to finally meet you." Elena smiled at pearl. "And I'm so sorry for everything my ancestors have done to you and yours."

"It's nice to meet you to, Elena." Pearl sounded pleasantly surprised. "Annabelle said that you would be willing to sell a property to me, is that correct?"

"Yeah, the only reason you don't already own it is because until yesterday my uncle John was the estate's trustee because neither me or Jeremy were of age but I become emancipated yesterday so I could sell it to you without him interfering." Elena explained.

"And you are okay with selling it to me knowing your uncle would disapprove?" Pearl asked surprised.

"The way I see it, the property should have been yours from the start, it's not your fault that Jonathan Gilbert basically stole it from you." Elena sounded disgusted at her ancestor, then she smirked. "And honestly? Uncle John disapproving makes me want to sell it to you even more."

The rest of the meeting went without a problem and with Pearl once again owning the property and feeling a little better about her daughter being friends with the Gilbert siblings.

When she got home, Elena had some time to kill before she was supposed to meet Damon at the school so she chose to watch the inter-cut edit from the interview earlier that morning.

"This year's queen will have the special honor of taking stage during the hundred and fiftieth Founders' Day Gala." Carol Lockwood was saying on the screen. "Before we crown our winner, we'd like to get to know a bit more about each of you."

Caroline is shown first, "I'm on the Mystic Falls beautification committee and I volunteer at the poor soup kitchen."

Elena saw herself next and had to cringe, she hated being in film and in pictures. "I am protective of my family and friends and would drop everything to help a friend in need."

Then it was back to Caroline, "I implemented this year's 'Go Green' campaign at school."

And then it was sadly back to Elena herself, "I love to dance and sing and spend time with my little brother."

Samantha, a girl Elena didn't know much about, came on the screen sounding very arrogant as she said, "I don't think it's wrong for me to win two years in a row."

It switched to Amber, "I was surprised to have been selected since I'm not from one of the founding families."

Elena was back on screen and she knew she was lying through her teeth, "This is a huge honor and I am very blessed to have been chosen for this."

Caroline was on the screen again, "I worked for the recycling program and was in charge of this year's police raffle."

A girl named Tina got a little screen time, "Just because my D.U.I. made my community service mandatory doesn't mean that I was any less committed."

The whole thing finished by showing Elena again, "This was really important to my mother and standing here I feel closer to her."

Around two hours later Elena was dancing with Damon as Carol Lockwood was teaching them all the dance moves that was needed for the Mystic Falls pageant.

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