Return New World part 1

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Elena walked into the kitchen and saw John on the floor, bleeding badly. For just a second, she considered leaving him there but decided against it. She rushed over and pulled her outer shirt over her head to use to stop the blood flow, leaving her in her white tank top.

She quickly called 911 and puts it on speaker as she pushed her shirt against the stab wound in his stomach.

"911. What's your emergency?" The female operator answered on the other end.

"Hi, I need an ambulance to 2104 Maple Street." Elena said as calmly as possible. "My uncle has been stabbed and his fingers cut off."

"An ambulance is on the way, Miss." The operator told her. "Is the attacker still in the house?"

"I don't know." Elena said and tried to look around as she kept pressure on the wound.

"Behind you." John whispered.

"What?" Elena looked at John who looked behind her in fear.

"Behind you." John said again.

"Miss, is the attacker still in the house?" The operator asked a little more urgently.

"I think so." Elena admitted.

"Miss, you need to get out of the house, okay?" The operator urged her.

"I can't." Elena denied. "I have managed to wrap uncle John's hand tightly but if I let go of the pressure on the stab wound the chance of him bleeding out gets higher."

"No!" John tried to shift but before he could do anything Elena saw a blur threw the corner of her eye and then she felt a burning pain on the back of her right shoulder blade.

"Ouch!" Elena called out and then she felt something run down her back.

"Miss!" The operator called out. "Are you alright, Miss?!"

"I'm fine." Elena said even though she knew she was bleeding. 'Why would Kathrine hurt her? She hadn't in the show.' Elena thought to herself.

A few seconds later the door is forced open and several police officers come in with their guns drawn. Two of them come over to Elena and John. "You are safe now."

Everything went quickly after that, John was bundled into the ambulance and taken to the hospital, even as the paramedics did a quick fix on Elenas shoulder with instructions to get to the hospital as quickly as possible to get stitches.

When Stefan and Damon arrived, the officers tried to keep them from walking up to the house but Elena called out to them. "They are okay."

"What happened?" Damon asked worriedly as the three of them walked into the house.

"I was talking to Jeremy on the phone when I came home, then I hung up and walked into the kitchen where I found uncle John." Elena explained.

"What do you mean you talked to Jeremy on the phone when you come home?" Damon asked confused. "I was talking with you on the porch earlier."

"Damon, I haven't seen you since we split up at the town square." Elena told him.

"But..." Damon looked adorably confused at first then the look in his eyes turned dark as he spat out, "Kathrine! I should have known."

"What?" Stefan asked.

"I went over here earlier to thank Elena for saving my life." Damon explained. "I talked to who I thought to be Elena for a while, but something felt off."

"Felt off how?" Elena asked.

"She talked about how there might be good in me even though I know Elena doesn't really care if I'm good or bad as long as I'm happy and her friends and family are safe." Damon groaned. "But what really should have tipped me off that it wasn't Elena was the kiss."

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