By the Light part 2

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The whole trip to Bree's Bar had been spent singing along to the radio, talking and laughing. Rose had truly enjoyed driving with the top down and the sun shining.

"Who is this witch anyway?" Rose asked as she parked the car.

"Her name is Bree and she is an old friend of Damon's." Elena stepped out of the car with a smile. "She's also completely gorgeous."

"Really now." Rose laughed and then she followed Elena into the bar.

"Bree, my talk drink of chocolate, where are you?" Elena called out.

"Elena!" Bree quickly walked over and pulled Elena into a kiss.

"I've missed you Bree." Elena smiled as they pulled back. "Texting just isn't the same."

"I've missed you too, honey." Bree chuckled.

"Oh, Bree this is Rose, Rose this is Bree." Elena introduced them to each other.

"Nice to meet you." Rose held out her hand.

"Any friend of Elena's is a friend of mine." Bree smiled as she shook Rose's hand.

They made it to the bar and ordered some hamburgers as Bree asked Rose several questions. Elena just smiled and listened, sometimes piping in with a few words here and there.

Around an hour and a half after they had arrived Elena's phone rang and the caller ID said 'Unknown Number'.

"Excuse me, I'll just take this outside." Elena smiled at Rose and Bree.

As Elena walked outside, she saw a bench a few paces away and went over to sit down as she answered her phone. For some reason she decided to answer in Latin, "Salute plurimam dictit. Si vales, bene est, ego valeo." (Many greetings. If you're well, then that's good, and I'm well too.)

"Salvete Elena." Elijah said with an impressed voice from the other end. "Nesciebat ego locutus sum vobis Latine." (Greetings Elena, I didn't know you spoke Latin.)

It took a few seconds for Elena to translate and then she said, "Only a little. You know, a phrase here and there."

"Still very impressive." Elijah hummed.

"So, what can I help you with today?" Elena asked slowly. "I assume you're not calling to talk about my Latin skills."

"No, I'm not." Elijah said. "I thought we had a deal about you staying put."

"Oh, crap." Elena cursed; she hadn't really thought about that. "Sorry, I just wanted to go see a friend. I'm in Georgia at a bar and will be home tonight or tomorrow at the latest, if that makes you feel better."

"Next time you decide to go 'see a friend' outside of Mystic Falls while the deal is in effect, call me first." Elijah ordered softly.

"I didn't have your number before now." Elena pointed out.

"My apologies." Elijah sighed.

"It's human to error but divine to forgive." Elena chuckled quietly.

"Does that mean you forgive me?" Elijah laughed.

"Of course." Elena chirped happily.

"I'll let you go back to your friend." Elijah told her.

"Thank you." Elena smiled.

"But if you are not back in Mystic Fall by tomorrow at the latest, the deal is off." Elijah murmured darkly and hung up.

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