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The atmosphere was tense as the Hokage and her advisors entered the room.

It was a large room, specifically built for such meetings. The walls were made of smoothened sandstones and carved with simple designs at he corners. A large dark wooden table sat in the middle with comfortable seats surrounding it. These seats were currently occupied by the corresponding Kages. Behind each Kage stood their advisor. Just one. 

The room was bustling with quiet chatter until Tsunade entered. All talk ceased as they turned to stare at her.

"Well well, how is everyone today?" Tsunade entered casually and took a seat beside the Kazekage. She sat opposite to the Tsuchikage, who was a rather short old man. However she knew not to underestimate him. 

"Hope you had a good journey." Gaara said, his tone civil just for the sake of formalities. Tsunade nodded at him as she took off her coat and handed it to Shikamaru. The Nara was visibly  not interested in holding anything but did it anyway whilst rolling his eyes.

"Where's the Raikage?" A woman with bright Red hair, who sat opposite to Gaara spoke up.

"He said this doesn't concern him and he doesn't wish to know anything about this." The old man sighed, his fingers massaging the creases on his forehead.

Tsunade made a sour face at that.

"Well we can't really blame him. His  Village is pretty high up in the mountains and they're rarely bothered by any intruders." The lady- Mizukage- held up her hands and shrugged, "They probably don't  want unnecessary trouble."

"What do you mean unnecessary trouble-?" Tsunade narrowed her eyes. She hadn't really ever talked to the Mizukage before but she didn't really like how she seemed so relaxed and unbothered. "What if the Akatsuki decide to blow up each and every village? Will he stay up there in blissful ignorance?"

" Damn, do you think we are just going to let some bastards waltz in and blow up our villages? You might have given up hope but we haven't." The Tsuchikage retorted. 

"Excuse me-?" Tsunade began and Shikamru had to stop her by placing an hand on her shoulder and tell her to calm down.. "Please maintain your composure." He whispered lightly.

Tsunade inhaled, and then smiled at the old man who had spoken. "Just because you can probably defeat the most dangerous terrorists of the shinobi world doesn't mean you can just let them do whatever until they decide to attack you. They are constantly causing issues and razing villages on the outskirts of our borders. "

"Well to be fair, " The Mizukage joined in, folding her arms on the table, " They're non of our business." 

An unsettling silence followed after. even the Mizukage's advisor seemed slightly uncertain of her words. 

"What? Isn't that what you were thinking? Tell me I'm wrong." The red head lady leaned back in her chair and tucked a loose strand behind her ear. 

The Tsuchikage didn't respond, looking guilty as he glared at a spot on the table.

"So the leader of one of the great villages just declared that they couldn't care less about the lives of several innocent people, just because they chose to stay under the protection of Landlords over shinobis?" Shikamaru suddenly spoke up, cussing at himself instantly after. 

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