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He looked up at Iruka sensei with an awkward smile.


"Hey Iruka sensei...I can explain...."
"Release!" Iruka sensei yelled. Nothing happened. Obviously.

Naruto had to act, and quickly.
"WHOA! Did I do that?!" He yelled pointing towards the targets. As if he had no idea what had just happened.
This only further confused Iruka.
"How did that happen??" Naruto exclaimed, ignoring the weird looks he was receiving.

"You don't know how that happened?" Iruka questioned.

"HELL NO. If I could do that wouldn't I have beaten Sasuke by now?!" Naruto said.
Please believe me. He prayed

It seems god heard him. (That's a first)

"Huh." Iruka said. "Throw the Kunais now Naruto."

Naruto nodded and picked up 3 Kunais in one hand. "Attempting" to throw it. He also managed to cut (scratch) the parts between his fingers in the process.

That should be enough. How about missing a few targets or maybe aim badly?

Yeah yeah.

Hey it's your fault. And  I'm helping ya.

Naruto mentally snorted.

Helping my ass.


Shut up Kurama, let me focus. On missing my targets.

After mentally rolling his eyes he threw the Kunais. All of them hit a single target on the outside ring.


Event though it was a very bad throw it seemed to do the trick. Everyone snapped out out of their jawdrops and started laughing.

"That really was pure luck!"
"Yeah, how could he ever do that that.?"


"Now for your jutsus. We will be doing- transformation Jusu, clone Jutsu and a transformation + clone Jutsu" Iruka sensei instructed and earned groans an smirks alike.

"First up....(someone)"
"Sasuke Uchiha."

He did all the given Justus in under 3 mins and earned claps and cheers.
"Hn" was all he said.
He was still wondering whether that shuriken incident was an accident or not...

"I'm probably thinking too much" he thought and dismissed it.
After all, how could NARUTO of all people do that?!


"Naruto Uzumaki"

He went up and sighed.

Minor mistakes in each of these should get him passing marks...

For the transformation Jutsu he became Iruka but with a longer ponytail.

"Huh. Not bad Naruto ."
Naruto grinned.
You have no idea....
There's that creepy face again.

How many clones did Sasuke make? Oh yeah 5....

Naruto made 3.

"Ok... Now comes the hard part. Do these both together."

Hard? Dude it is as easy as breathing for me. Jeez.

Yeah well. He doesn't know, and if he did you wouldn't be here.... You know what I mean right?

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