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Naruto jumped through the trees running at full speed while he and Kurama cursed in perfect harmony.

He had been woken up around 5 in the morning (very annoying considering the rare occasions on which he actually slept) by Keito, who was carefully balanced on the railing of his balcony.
Naruto had asked him the reason for his unwelcome visit, and Keito had responded with something that Naruto had been secretly dreading over the past few weeks.

Sasuke had abandoned the village.

Apparently, he actually found Orochimaru's offer appealing enough to agree to his terms and conditions without knowing them.

Naruto scoffed.

He had taken some time to process it all and the seriousness of the situation, because his first thought had quite literally been "what a relief"

But he himself knew that he couldn't let this happen.

Sasuke should never go over to Orochimaru.
This could be the catalyst of something far worse.

First off, it would mean that Sasuke would definitely get way stronger than he already was. Taking Orochimaru lightly in such cases was plain stupid.

Well...he- he was his teammate.
Yeah right. He can't let his teammate just go to a strange snake man who offered him power.

But, does that mean Sasuke was his friend?

Naruto scoffed.

Of course not. Tch.

But somewhere deep down old memories arose. Of him and the Uchiha groaning at the random tasks. Of them fighting weak ass goons. Of Sasuke occasionally supporting him.

Naruto felt a weird empty feeling in his chest. And it seemed to grow larger.

It wasn't like he considered Sasuke a friend... right?
Then why did he feel this way? Sasuke could go do whatever the heck he wanted, why should he care??

So he rushed to Kakashi sensei and told him that Sasuke had left. Immediately, without even questioning him, Kakashi and the other jounins dispatched the genins to go after Sasuke.

Naruto hesitated before telling them that Sasuke was accompanied by some of Orochimaru's underlings, because he hadn't come up with a good lie as to how exactly he found that out...

Luckily, the situation had escalating pretty quickly and all he recieved was a questioning look without any questions.

So here he was. Jumping ahead in full speed towards Sasuke.

They had already encountered three of the underlings and those were pretty strong, but his teammates- Choji, Shikamaru and Neji decided to take them on encouraging Naruto to go ahead.

He had almost reached the Uchiha when a weird ass guy with really pale skin and two red dots on his head showed up.
I don't have time for this!

Still, Naruto got into a stance ready to beat up this weirdo, but just then Rock Lee popped out of nowhere.

"Go on ahead Naruto, Sasuke is your friend m. Save him!"

Save him, my ass.

"Yeah, thanks Lee, are you sure you can fight...?" Naruto asked ,remembering how he had almost been killed by Gaara, because unlike other genins, Lee had never actually done something bad to Naruto.

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