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He walked down a dark road, scowling and cursing the owner. He kicked another pebble and exhaled angrily. In..Out..Calm down...


What the hell just happened?

This question was reflected on everyone's faces after Naruto's departure. And they looked at his teammates for explanation. 

"Do you have any idea what might have happened? Between these two, coz, this owner is a pretty decent man as far as I know him." Choji said as soon as the man stormed away.

Sakura picked idly at her food, and carelessly responded "Who knows, Naruto's always causing trouble anyway..he must have done something to the owner." Even though a few agreed with her, some were forced to narrow their eyes at her too.

"Don't you think it's time you atleast considered him a comrade?" Shikamaru said angrily, his voice low. "However much you hate him, he's in your team. You can't just ignore him!" Surprisingly, even Ino found herself nodding at Shikamaru's words. 

As if on cue, Kiba pointed a finger at Sasuke and said "Atleast you should stand up for him."

While all this sudden sympathy surprised Sasuke he didn't respond much. He didn't need to rely on that dobe all the time. He didnt need to... But somewhere even he felt guilty. However Sakura huffed at them. "Why are you blaming us? When have you tried being all buddy buddy with him?" 

However much they would hate to admit it...she was right. They themselves hadn't ever talked to him that much. Except maybe Kiba and Shikamaru... 

"Apart from this, how many of you plan on giving the chunin exams?" Shino asked, changing the topic completely.

All of them raised their hands and started rambling, the previous topic forgotten.  


He entered the apartment and found it in a mess. It wasn't surprising, considering for how long he didn't come back. 

"They really killed it this time." Naruto muttered to himself, examining his ripped mattress. He gently put it down, patted it and shook his head, hoping its journey to heaven was a safe one. 

He made a few clones, who groaned at the state of the house, and reluctantly began cleaning it up. One of them got angry and almost set out to find the culprits. 

"This is just not fair!" He shouted, holding up a broken cup.

"I know right.." another one said nodding vigorously.

"Where are we going to get another mattress from?"

"Do we need it? He rarely sleeps."

"You mean 'we' " 



Sometimes, he was glad he learnt the shadow clone jutsu from Kurama. This was the best jutsu ever. 

After a lot of rambling and arguing the house was finally, somewhat clean. "Thanks guys." Naruto thanked them. "Yeah, whatever" another replied, stretching his hands. 

After dispersing them, Naruto jumped out of his window (because using the door is so old school) and went out to the training camp.

"What are we doing today Kurama?" 

With a bored sigh, Kurama took his human form. "Why isn't keito ot Hitomi here?" He asked lazily, his red hair blowing in the wind. "Oh I dunno, they said they're sowmewhere near the Hidden Sand." Naruto replied lazily, twirling his katana in one hand. 

"Alright, have you heard of Rasengan?"Kurama asked him with a sly smile.


5am in the morning, and a certain blond lay in the grass, gasping for air. His hands twitched moment to moment, and a red haired man tsk-ed at him. "Its not easy, "He said for the millionth time, "But its not that hard either." 

"I know, i know, I KNOW!" Naruto shouted with frustration. He should have atleast gotten a small idea of how to do this shit. But unfortunately, he had no idea about what to think. He couldn't visualise it.

He got up and was about to begin grunting and collecting chakra, but Kurama stopped him. "It 5 in the morning. You should freshen up. Kakashi is gonna teach you something...new? today." He said 'new' like it was a question, maybe he had already learnt that....jutsu or punch or whatever.

"Alright." Naruto said and Kurama went back to sleeping inside Naruto's seal with a poof. 


"Today minors, we are going to learn how to walk on tree, water, or literally any goddamn thing!" Kakashi cheerfully said, waving around a finger as he led them through a forest. 

Naruto groaned inwardly, as he already knew it. And once you knew how to do something, it took more efforts to un-do it or whatever. Basically, it was harder for him to fake incompetence when he could do it as easily as he could breathe. 

Sakura chirped up at this. "Ooh! Doesn't that require acute chakra control?". Kakashi eye smiled at her and replied, "Not acute but good, I would say...acute chakra control is needed in medical ninjutsu." 

"Same thing!"she beamed. 

Kakashi made them stop near a grove of huge broad trees. Without waiting for them, Kakashi simply walked up to the tree and started walking on it. He walked upside down on a branch, much to Sakura and Sasuke's amazement. (Sasuke was quite surprised and eager, but didn't show it.)

Meanwhile, the Uzumaki, stifled a yawn and laid down on a soft patch of grass. Soon, a pair of soft footsteps approached him and when he cracked open an eye, he was met with the glaring eyes....eye...of his sensei.

"And how," his voice was steely as if he would start yelling at him at any moment "do you do this?" 

Naruto Uzumaki gulped. Regained his composure and cleared his throat. "We send chakra to our feet." Kakashi raised a brow,"For what?" he questioned. "For uh...." Naruto racked his brain for the right word but it just didn't come to him,"For, sticking to whatever terrain, or substance we want to walk on?" he answered sheepishly. 

Kakashi seemed to be fine with that answer as he went back to walking on trees. Soon he found a shady spot in a tall, leafy tree and made himself comfortable. He opened up his book and lay down. 

"How do we do this?" Sasuke unwillingly asked him. 

"Just send chakra to your feet." This was the only advice that they received from their sensei. And so began their grueling training.



Wassup? I know, late update, gomen'nasai!

Actually, my school's gonna start soon(aw man) and they sent us a bunch of homework now! like 5 days before school starts! Dumbasses! baka!

Anyways, I was also quite busy watching BNHA and I loved it.

Also I started Attack on Titan. So far so good!! Have y'all read "Yesterday Upon The stair"? Its a really famous BNHA fanfic from what I've heard...anyways! 

Have a pleasantly surprising day! (Its literally 1:30 am rn )

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Yours Truly


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