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Tomorrow, the Chunin Exams would finally start.  With his hands behind his head in a careless manner, Naruto walked through the market. Many people from different villages (and lands) had come to spectate. One of them could possibly even hire them. As he looked around he picked up the chatter of the common folk.

"This year, the InoShikaCho formation is pretty good, or so I've heard."

"There's also that Uchiha ya know."

"I heard that demon brat's participating too..."

"Chhe. What a disgrace! Why hasn't he been locked up already?"

Naruto glanced at the man saying that. It was the  big man- Mr. Kenta , one who owned a business of making ninja tools. Not very fancy but good enough. The men continued their talk while the blond walked away, grinning to himself as he thought of how he was going spend his night.


"Alright seeya tomorrow! " the thin reedy florist waved at Kenta, who nodded in return. 

He turned into the dark alley which was actually a shortcut to his home. As he walked, he pulled out his pouch full of coins and began counting today's earning. "210..." , just the a figure swooped down and grabbed his pouch, jumped on the roofs and started running away. It took Kenta a moment to realise that he had just been looted. "Hey you..!" The big man ran behind the figure, who stopped every few minutes, letting the man catch up to him before sprinting away. It was a pretty obvious that it was a trap, but when your money is being looted, traps are welcome.

The figure grinned as they entered the forest, the moonlight barely shone through and it became harder for Kenta to keep track of the thief. "Hey you thief...!"Kenta panted. The figure paused. It sat on a tree branch in front of the man, looking through the contents of the pouch. Counting the coins with seemingly a glance it pocketed the money with a sigh, "Only 450 yen? Is that all you make in a day?"

Kenta frowned as his head snapped towards the figure. "It's you..YOU DEMON BRAT!"He screeched. Naruto rolled his eyes as he jumped down, landing gracefully on his toes ( Spidey style.) "Woah how did you know." Naruto deadpanned. He stopped before the man who got into a defensive stance. "What do you want you brat? I'm going to  tell the Hokage and then, it won't be long before you are locked up somewhere. I swear to god if you try anything-" 

"Relax jerk." Naruto waved the rambling ,man off. "Do you know what your wife has prepared for dinner today? Tempura. And honestly it's delicious." 

Kenta's eyes widened, "How?What?..."

Naruto glanced at his, a thin sliver of moonlight fell right on his eyes, making those blue orbs glow an eerie blue.  "Ever heard of the transformation jutsu?" Kenta shook his head in fear, then nodded, just in case, "Nevermind. What you need to know is, " The blond circled the man and placed a hand on his shoulder, "the name of the last jutsu you'll ever see. It's called," Naruto held out his other hand in front of Kenta's face, a blue sphere forming. Naruto grinned as felt the man tremble, "Rasengan."

 He whispered, before smashing the ball of chakra in Kenta's face. Naruto smiled and looked ahead, feeling the blood on his hands. After a few seconds, he felt Kenta's body going limp, he looked down, disappointing."Wow, it sure is a mess, mister. I wish you could see your face. You look waaay better." 

He stood there near the body and then content with the Rasengan's power, he whistled. 

From the shadow of the trees and illuminated by the moonlight, foxes appered. Their eyes glinting with hunger. 

"All yours." Naruto smiled at them, and walked away. The foxes attacked the no-longer-alive man as soon as Naruto had turned. "Finish everything on your plate." He told them in a sing song voice, wiping the blood on the moist grass.

Maybe, I shouldn't use this jutsu for the exams... I'll try out the other jutsu Jiraiya taught me. 

Are you sure it won't cause any problem with the foxes Kurama?

The foxes are deceitful creatures. They can only be headed by a deceitful leader...like you. No. The foxes are loyal. To me and to you. Just don't mention this in front of the toads.

Yeah...Gamabunta is pretty sharp though. Never mind I can manage.

With a smile, Naruto entered the village, leaving behind the foxes to complete the job. 


"What do you think of this Ebisu?" Genma asked staring at the now rotting corpse. 

"In this state," Ebisu did the anime glasses thing "we can't even identify the man."

"I know that. I'm asking whether we should classify this? A murder on the day of the Chunin exams is....ya know. What with all those lords and nobles here, would't want this to get out."Genma sighed. picking up a pouch from a nearby tree. "Here, look we can use this."

Ebisu nodded and stored the pouch in a scroll. "The medics should be here anytime now. By the way, as you might have noticed, he uhm...he seems, to have been...eaten...?"

Genma nodded slowly, "Yeah, but....our forests don't have such deadly creatures... except for the Forest of Death. " 

Ebisu nodded and looked at the remnants of the man. He wondered if he had a family. Someone who would report him as missing.


"Really, what are we doing in this building?" Naruto frowned. "Giving the Chunin exams of course." Sakura retorted.

No shit Sherlock.

"Kakashi sensei was pretty unsure huh? He asked us if we were sure about this about ten times." He continued, ignoring Sasuke's irritation. "Well, that's because we're the first team that Kakashi sensei passed. Of course he has doubts." Sakura replied with a sage like air.

 It was clearly annoying Sasuke that Naruto continuously questioning every random thing and that Sakura was replying to everything. Naruto smirked to himself. He felt a lot better after the events of the previous night and wondered what the Hokage would do about it. If getting his revenge on one person felt so good....he imagined how he would feel after exterminating every single person who had ever looked at him with those eyes. 

"Why are you smiling like that?" Sakura's voice, no scratch that, screech, made Naruto very aware of the grin -Hitomi had once told him it looked very evil and Keito had said it looked very 'becoming'as the leader of the foxes. - that he was sporting. He covered his mouth on instinct mumbling a quick sorry, unable to hide his wide grin.



Hey y'all.

It's raining a lot here. Like. a lot. A LOT.

Anyways don't forget to vote for my story in Naruto Wattys Award! (I don't have the link rn dammit). In the Akatsuki section, Comment for my story, "I would like to vote for The Real Me by AwesomeFangirl23" 

Thanking y'all in advance. Seeya my dudes.

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