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Naruto walked towards his apartment, form in hand. He pondered over the different strategies he could use. Of course he was going to participate. He could easily beat these dumbheads. But he wasnt too sure about the other villages. What if they had special powers like the Uchiha or Hyuga? Or what if they learned jutsus since they could walk.

He stroked his chin, closed his eyes and let out a sigh. Hmmmmmmmmmmm............

I think you're over reacting. Kurama offered his opinions.

And there goes lazy fox offering enlightenment. How would you know?

In case you had forgotten, I'm a few thousand years old.

"Ohh yeah..." Naruto said out loud. A few random villagers glanced at him but were ignored.

Suddenly, he stopped. He looked up, and found himself staring at his apartment. He hadn't realized that they, no, he, had already reached. For some reason, his instincts told him to not go home, and without questioning it, he turned back around and headed for the river.


The apartment lay ransacked, as it often was. No lock could resist the anger of the villagers, and so the blonde tenant had resorted to living without a lock. Another hoard of villagers came to this apartment to take out their anger. Unfortunately for them, the person they would have liked to take out their anger on was not here, so they simply ransacked the place. The table was turned, dishes were broken and the meager clothes were strewn about. With that the men left the place, slamming the door.


Sasuke was at the bench near the outskirts of the village. He had signed the form but was unsure of his decisions. What kind of test would they have to go through? He rubbed his forehead and sat up. He knew he could take on most of the leaf genins, but was unsure about the other villages... Especially since his sharingan had not yet activated. How frustrating.

He needed some special trick up his sleeve....but what? Maybe he should ask Kakashi? Maybe..yeah. His sensei wasn't so famous for nothing. There must be something that he could do.

Now comes the tough part, looking for him.


Sakura had already signed up the form and kept it tucked away in her pocket.(idk where she has pockets but she does, so please bear with it)

She happily wandered the streets when she ran into  a  silver blonde girl, with hair into a high ponytail and (quite) reavealing purple attire bent over a vase of sunflower.

"Oh, look who we have here." The blonde taunted, standing up and holding a sunflower.

"Oh yeah, it's Ino-pig." Sakura snorted.

''Billboard brow" the blonde retorted, the two glared at each other and with a sharp turn walked away. 

________NEXT DAY__________

"All right," Kakashi said, his hands folded over his chest "What did you decide?"

His three students held out their forms together, all signed. Behind his mask, Kakashi smiled. 

"As expected."He said. "We'll still have to do missions though." To which they all groaned. 


As they ran around in the taining grounds, Naruto came to Kakashi and sat down near him. He took a sip from his bottle/flask, as he watched Sasuke complete his 28th round. Sakura lagged behind him, desperately trying to cath up. 

"Sensei," Naruto spoke, making Kakashi look up from his book. "yeah?"

"What did you do with his sword?" the blonde questioned.

"Who's sword?"

"Ya know, Zabuza's.."

Again, Kakashi was surprised that Naruto knew of it and was actually asking him about it. He wondered who else knew. He scratched his chin and answered, "Actually, we didn't kill any of them, we managed to capture Zabuza as well as his servant...Haku. Thought he was a girl.." He muttered at the end. 


"Oh nothing, and also on a rather short notice we got the orders from the Hokage to deliver them to the Mizukage. It would be seen as a gesture of peace and they had some business with him anyways. So...good deal...They just might agree to an alliance." Kakashi said with a a shrug. 

Naruto nodded and stood back up. He dusted his pants and went back to running. He had a lot of things to ask Keito and Hitomi.


The same thing happened with all the genin squads, they all decided to sign and were motivated by their senseis.

After training, as Team 7 walked along the busy streets of Konoha they all ran into the other teams. Greetings were exchanged and finally they all decided to have dinner at the BBQ place. They didn't notice but Naruto trudged unhappily after them. They hadn't particularly told him to not come, and they hadn't particularly told him to come... Aarrghh!!

Anyways, he was finally sitting with them as Choji ordered for all of them. Soon, their food and they all started talking. The food was good and no one was exactly talking to him, so Naruto quietly ate, relishing everything, after all he rarely had BBQ. He got so busy in it that he didn't notice someone calling him. It was only when Shikamaru poked him with his chopsticks that he looked up, slurping the piece of barbecue in his mouth. 

Kiba sighed, and repeated, "I asked why you're so quiet today."

Naruto blinked causing most of them to roll their eyes. "Whaddya mean?" 

"I mean,'' Kiba was practically forcing the words out, "Why have you suddenly become so...Quiet? You used to shout all the time and constantly cause trouble, so what happened? You haven't said a word since we got here."

Well...First, he did not know that Kiba actually noticed, and second, why the hell did he?

"I dunno..." He said meekly, cringing at his own terrible, lame excuse.

Everyone at the table sighed and practically facepalmed. "Is it because of that genjutsu mission?" Hinata asked quietly. Once again all heads turned towards him. Naruto wished he could just disappear. All those stares, those eyes..he shifted uncomfortably. As if on cue, the owner of the restaurant, a big man, came to their table and pointed at the blonde.

"You! Didn't I tell you stay away from my shop?" he bellowed, causing confusion to spread amongst the genins. 

"Uhh.." Choji began but Naruto stood up suddenly, his composure changed all of a sudden and with a confident voice he said, "I know, I know, just looking how long it took you to find out. by the way, the barbecue really is good." He grinned and patted the owner and walked away, hands in pockets. 

He seemed as if he was relishing the anger aimed at him. As if he loved it when people shouted at him and when he retorted back. 

The genins, just stared at his retreating figure and then to Sasuke and Sakura who merely shrugged.

What the hell was even going on?




So I'm gonna stretch the plot a bit..ya know...tell me if you liked this chapter!

Now that I've increased my word count, I realise how short those other chapters must seem. lol.

Anyways, like i said last time, I've entered this story into this Naruto Watty thing so please vote!

Fun Fact:- My name mans "Unique" in Sanskrit and hindi.

Vote, comment, share and follow!!

Yours Truly,


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