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A/N: *GASP.* Holy holy holiness. Did I actually reach 20K? *GASP.* Now I can die in peace...no wait. I have to watch Noragami s3 and Bnha s4 and stranger things s3 and..welp. Guess I'll postpone death. #Otaku issues


Sasuke reached the top of the mountain later that evening and was surprised to see Kakashi there...not only was he on time, but he was early as well. And Sasuke thought he was early. With an eye roll he approached Kakashi and the man slowly looked up from the book that he was reading. Before Sasuke could say a word Kakashi held up a finger and narrowed his eyes at the book, after which he widened them. He shut the book and looked up at the sky and shook his head, eyes as wide as ever. With a sigh he tucked the book into his vest. 

"I hate cliffhangers..." Kakashi muttered. Sasuke just stood there and stared at him impassively waiting for his sensei to get over it already. With another sigh and shake of his head, Kakashi turned to look at his student. Honestly he didn't like this kid's hair. But that's not the point, his inner self reminded him. He looked at Sasuke and mentally checked the boxes required for learning the special jutsu that he was gonna teach this boy.

Speed: Check

Skill: Check

Perseverance: Check

Determination: ...Check

Chakra: Check

"Alright, so today I'm gonna teach you the basics of...chidori. Ever heard of it?" Kakashi asked him with a superior look. But when Sasuke slowly shook his head, his superiority suffered huge damage. He gave a pained look to Sasuke and said with a drawl, "What did you guys even learn at the academy? When I was your age-" He was cut off by a sound of annoyance by Sasuke, "Can we start already?" He interjected. 

"Fine." His sensei held down his hand and soon a small ball/sphere of lightning/electricity (guys lets just go with lightning k?) started forming. It looked powerful as well as destructive. It emitted a weird sound...like the chirping of birds, but not exactly. Soon the electricity vanished and Kakashi grinned to himself at the look on Sasuke's face.

"You look like you just saw lightning in my hands." He said, with a lopsided smile (not that Sasuke could see it). Though by the way Sasuke deadpanned it didn't seem like he got the joke. 

"How?" was all Sasuke asked. 

"Well..." And so Kakashi began explaining him the working of the Chidori.


Sakura quikly ran away to "do some shopping" after training and Sasuke just headed to...wherever he does.

Naruto himself started walking towards a random direction, when he sensed someone following him. He whipped around and saw a box on the ground. It was colored brown but didn't even match the color of the ground. He just stood there staring at the box until finally it blew up and three coughing kids emerged. 

"WELL. It looks like you saw through our disguise again! As  expected from my rival!" Konohamaru said with enthusiasm, while Udon and Moegi stood next to coughing.

"Maybe we shouldn't have used so many firecrackers...." Udon advised.

" What are you doing here Konohamaru?" Naruto asked him. He was a naughty young boy and liked to play tricks on the villagers with Naruto but he was never scolded just because he was the grandson of the Old man Third Hokage. Konohamaru didn't like it either, being called "The Third's Grandson" all the time, and had announced himself as Naruto's rival. he was one of the few people whom Naruto actually liked.

"Big bro, where were you that week? we looked for you everywhere!" He complained. Naruto tensed up, and avoided the question by laughing and replied "I was away training for the chunin exams of course!" . At this their eyes shone and they peppered him with question. He began answering them but a few minutes later their sensei, Ebisu appeared and with a sigh of frustration pulled them away from the blonde. "How many times have I told you to stay away from that brat?" he stage whispered, making sure Naruto heard what he had to say about him. 

"Hey," Konohamaru began, but was shushed by Ebisu who whisked them away. With a sigh, he stood up and brushed his pants. He started walking towards a random direction and ended up near the Hot springs. It was a nice place to hang out and he could...occasionally...you know, get a look. He leaned on the railing practicing some random hand signs , hoping he didn't accidentally invent a new jutsu, even though it was highly unlikely. 

Hey Kit. He's here.

Hey Kur. He who.

He- Hold up. Did you just call me KUR?

Nevermind. He who?

Never call me Kur, geddit??

Yeah yeah, whatever. WHO'S HERE?

Him. Jiraiya.

He what?! Are you serious? How do you even know?

My senses haven't dulled yet boy. Kurama said with a laugh and then directed Naruto towards the direction of the Legendary Sannin. Kurama grinned to himself, The kid was in for a surprise. 

Naruto slowly walked towards the part of the hot springs where Jiraiya was and tried to imagine how he might look. Would he be really old? Was he cool? Did he have short hair or long hair? Did he even have hair? With this he turned round a corner and found and old man peeking through the doors of the female rooms. He had long white hair and wore traditional clothes. He giggled to himself and Naruto narrowed his eyes at the man.  

he didn't have time for pervy old men...He had to find Jiraiya, the man who had apparently taught The Fourth. But he couldn't just..ignore such behavior. Finally after a mental debate with himself he walked towards the old man and patted him on the shoulders. He didn't respond. Naruto pursed his lips and crossed his arms, now thoroughly annoyed by this man. 

"If you ignore me this time I will honestly shout." He tried threatening the man, but to no avail. The man simply shifted to get a better view. naruto moved behind him and aimed his hand for that part of the neck which would render the man unconscious. Just a second before contact the man stopped him. Naruto looked at the man with wide eyes and he turned around. 

"A ninja huh?" He smirked. "You'll have to do better than that." 

He let his hand go and walked away from the room. Naruto's hand fell but he regained his composure and before the man could walk away he asked "Who are you?"

The man stopped and smirked. he turned around and spread pout his arms.

Then he suddenly jumped into the air, and a frog appeared over which he landed. He held out a hand front and back in a pose, lifted one leg and hopped thrice.




Hello! Ok, so now I can say for sure that I'll update once every week. 

And Thank you all for your love and support! 

Gentle reminder: I've entered this into the Wattys so please vote!!!!

Also- did you guys see stranger things final trailer? And BNHA S4 is also gonna release!


Please vote, share, comment and follow!

Yours Truly,


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