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It had been a week since he had been exiled. And it had been a pretty good one.
Except for the fact that he had ran out of food.

Did you really plan on living on Cup Ramen? In a forest?

I thought it would last for atleast a few weeks...
Naruto replied sulkily, making circles on the ground near the last discarded cup if ramen.

Sighing, he stood up, dusting his pants.
The sky had darkened and there were dark clouds in the sky.

Naruto walked towards the base of a mountain and walked up along a grassy path. He soon came to a small cave and went in to check it out.
Finding it completely safe, he came out to get a bunch of wood for a fire and went in again.

Inside, he dumped the wood on the ground and went to the mouth of the cave and covered the entrance with a branch he broke in the afternoon.

He lit a fire and amidst the darkeness two pairs of eyes glowed.

"Hey there." He said in a low voice.

There were two foxes staring right at him.
One had a smooth red coat that and glowing golden eyes, while the other one had a strange turquoise streaks.
The shadows shifted and there sat two people.

Keito grinned and spoke, "This is quite cramped no?"
He was sitting next to Hitomi with his arms wrapped around his legs which were brought upto his chest.
Hitomi glanced at him and sighed. She had a smaller figure but was sitting in a proper posture.

Naruto laughed quietly, "Too broke to afford a cavern Your Majesty."
Keito waved his hand, eyes closed with a pained expression, "Today, I forgive you-"
He was smacked on the head by Hitomi.

"Aw..." Naruto and Keito groaned together. It wasn't that Hitomi was a boring person, it was just that she couldn't keep the information any longer.

"Listen up listen up! " she said, her voice excited.
"We are." The boys replied.
"No. Keito. Shut up man." Keito rolled his eyes but quietened down.

"Okay, for real this time. Go Hitomi." Naruto said, all serious.

Hitomi brought out a scroll from Keito's kunai pouch, making Keito frown at his pouch as if he had no idea it was in there.

She opened it and showed Naruto a basic map of the area around Konoha. It was a hand drawn map and and below it was a detailed map of the area in which they currently were in.
Pointing at the grove near Naruto's current location Hitomi began.

"We have located 7 ANBUs. They are spread out during the night, and only gather at noon. There meeting spot is here." She tapped at the grove several times to emphasise the location. "They meet for only half an hour and share info-"

"What info? 'Today the brat had an extra cup of ramen'?" Naruto said as if offended.

Hitomi scoffed, "Exactly my thoughts. But maybe they are noting down all your locations.."

"And why would they do so?" Naruto could think of a few reasons but wanted to know their opinions as well.
Keito spoke in a serious tone, "What if in the near future you decide to do something, cause problems for Konoha and they have to look for you? They might check each and every spot you've ever been in..."
Naruto agreed with him, thinking the same thing.
He turned to Hitomi,"And?"

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