Entry Number Fifty (2/23/2011)

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Dear readers,


I was just watching this new YouTube video by nigahiga and I decided that it's to be today's video.

I missed some classes today XD There was an assembly because we had a guest speaker and there was also a really good band that performed called Hearts in Stereo. They were pretty good. Rock w/ some screamo. They re-did Love Song by Tailor Swift awesomly. 

So I got all of their autographs later for the memories. The basist wrote "Melissa you have glasses". Which is true, but it's funny that he wrote that with his signature. I also got a purple shirt that says "YOU MAKE ME FEEL ALIVE." in white and then it says the band's name underneath. I bought it 'cause it looks good. They had some pretty nice shirts, but I liked this one the most. The school didn't tell anyone ahead of time that they were coming or even tell us to bring money just in case, so I didn't have any. I borrowed the 20$ that I bought the t-shirt with from some girl in my Physical Geography class. I think her name is Carolyne??? Anyway I missed math because of the assembly, and that just made it even better.

This afternoon these health people came to school. There was this mascot who's costume had body parts that where various fruit and vegetables. His name was Freggie. Like Fruit and Veggie. He looked so stupid. Not the first time I've seen him, though, I saw him in middle school too. So anyway, we ate fruit and vegetables. I ate a piece of a strawberry, a piece of a mango(X3), a piece of a papaya(It was my first time trying it. It tasted weird), a green grape, a purple grape, a plum, and a green apple. In that order. There were other fruit, but I didn't eat them. We could only eat a bit of each 'cause it was for the whole school. They had more when they went to my middle school. They had a bunch of fruit that weren't there today, like dragon fruit, star fruit, passion fruit(ick) and a bunch of other stuff. I would have ate a bunch of mango if they'd have let me. They let me in middle school.

So yeah. Today was great.

I ate Kraft Dinner for supper. It was yumz.



I'm gettin' off now, nighty-night!

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