Entry Number Sixty (3/5/2011)

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Dear readers,


I didn't end up getting back on last night, mostly because I REALLY wanted some sleep. I didn't even read before going to sleep! And that's fucking unheard of!

So anyway, I'm on the desktop right now, because I didn't get the chance to read my manga yesterday, so I'm gonna do that today. When I'm done readin' mah manga, I'm getting off this slow piece of shit and going on Mark's laptop. The only reason I go on this computer for mah manga ias 'cause my anime and manga list is on this one and it doesn't work well on the laptop.

ttyl then!



No new One Piece chapter DX



YAYZ!!! There's a shitload of new Ares chapters! XD XD XD



I just finished reading all of my manga, so I'm getting off the Desktop now and going on Mark's laptop. C ya then!



I'm back! Really It only took a minute or two to get off the Desktop and on the Laptop, but I got preoccupied watching YouTube videos.

Anyway, I'm gonna watch some ANTM now, byebye! XD

Dear readers,Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora