Entry Number Eighty-Six (7/30/2011)

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Dear readers,

Normally since it's 12:22 in the AM of the 30th, I'd put the date as the 29th, but since this is the first time I'm writing here today, I decided not to.

I don't really have all that much to say today, but I haven't uploaded anything in a long while and I'm waiting for when I can re-load the video I'm watching on megavideo.

Okay, so my hair-cut(the one I  mentioned I was getting in my last entry) ended up looking even better than I imagined it. Because of this, I decided not to dye it. 

As for why I haven't uploaded a new thing for The Book of Random, that's because... I haven't felt like it I guess? I have an idea for it, but I haven't wrote it yet. It'll probably be a while. 

Another thing, I'm wondering why no only one person has given an opinion on whether or not I should do the "For Arguments Sake" book. I KNOW people read this because of how many views I have, and I would like to know my readers' opinion. I'll probably do it eventually anyway, but I want to know whether I should start it now even though it'll slow down The Book of Random even more. Though, ironically enough, I'll probably write more for The Book of Random when school starts again and I have less time. I'm weird that way. 

I'm sorry that I haven't updated my other stories after the first few(or just first) chapter. I AM planning on finishing them, but it's going to take a long time. 

My sister's staying at our house with her son and boyfriend for the weekend. We're probably going to go to the movies and watch Captain America tomorrow while mum babysits Kai(my nephew).

I needa crap.



Something I forgot to do was post a video. Sometimes I don't post videos, as you probably know, but I especially wanted to post this one.

It's the new song Fuck Everything by Jon Lajoie. It's quite amusing. Jon Lajoie himself is quite a funny youtuber and I definitely recomend his videos.

My favorites of his videos are:

Drug Commercial (Jon Lajoie)

Hands Commercial (Jon Lajoie)

Pop Song (Jon Lajoie)

I Can Dance (Jon Lajoie)

Pedophile Beards

Maintream Media Commercial

It's 1:51 now because I got sidetracked by watching some of his videos that I hadn't seen yet.

Dear readers,On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara