Entry Number Eighty-Two (5/23/2011)

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Dear readers,

I'm home!

I wrote an entry yesterday, but it wouldn't publish on my sister's computer, so I saved it on my USB.

Here it is:

Dear readers,

I left for PEI on Friday. I got to miss school XD 

Since then, I've bought two books at !ndigo(first two Hunger Game books), and today my sister lent be her book Beastly to give back in the summer.

Yesterday I had my first ever poutine. It was just as disgusting as it looked. Though according to my sister, it hadn't been made right so I will probably try one again sometime, just not at the same place. The dessert I ate there completely made up for it. It was this raspberry, chocolate, creamy deliciousness.The place where I ate these was Maggie's in Charlottetown.

My brother(oldest) just came back from the store with Root Beer for me. I was hoping for MUG, but I'll have to make do with big8. Root Beer is the only pop that doesn't make me sick. I usually just drink orange juice. 

My nephew(sister's son) is adorable when he's in a good mood and doesn't smell like poo. I've been staying with my sister over the weekend. 

My parents didn't make me go to church today XD

I'll be leaving for home tomorrow, which is Monday. There isn't school because of Queen Victoria Day or whatever. I'm definitely not looking forward to the long ride home.

I haven't read this week's manga yet. I'll do that when I get home.

My mum and brother(Mark) and sister and nephew are going for a walk. I want to go to the stores that they're going to, but I don't want to walk. It's a fifteen minute walk and I am  much too lazy to attempt such a feat.

Anyway, I'm gonna get back to my reading now.

Also, I needa crap. (I'm such a lady, aren't I?)

So bye!



I forgot to mention that we also went to Bulkbarn a went to watch the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie on Friday. Not in 3D. It was pretty good. It had some really funny parts, but I didn't find the action to be as good as in the other movies.

Okay, so that was what my entry was going to be.

Anyway, bye!

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