Entry number Eighty (5/4/2011)

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Dear readers,



I'm having a very good day today.

It's Wednesday, and yet it's the last day of the week.

In English class, we just wrote a paragraph then listened to presentations. In Math class I drew with my friend Alexa who sits next to me. She had a same-sex pamphlet, and on the front was two gold fish. I drew on one, she drew on the other. I made mine into a Hitler goldfish and she made hers into a Spanish punk. They were gay lovers. We also drew on Ellen DeGeneres and her wife. I turned Ellen into a goth and Alexa made her wife into a demon thing with a uni-brow, sideburns and a goatee. That was all we did. Then in Physical Geography we wrote a journal entry and then watched a movie. I drew aliens while listening. Then I had Graphic Arts and Reading Tudor. Sky isn't here, so I have nothing to do. It's Readfing Tudor right now. Only 15 minutes left 'till the long weekend!!! XD XD XD

I'll probebly put up one of the pictures we did during Math class when I get home.

 Anyway, byebyez!

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