Entry Number Ninety-Nine (6/12/2012)

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Dear readers,

WHY!? I'm such an idiot.

Okay, so today I did my second exam - Law. After the exam, I was talking to my friend Brendon and somewhere along the way ended up crying about my low self-esteem. We went for a walk, and I ended up making out with him! Ugh. BRENDON!

I mean, he was sweet and all, and he's a great guy, but really? Those things are great, but if there's no sexual attraction, then there really is no point. 

I just didn't see it coming. I mean, I legit just thought we were going to talk, but then he laid me down and planted a big sloppy wet one on me. He's my friend, so I didn't want to hurt his feelings - I mean, it's his last exam and he's graduating this year - so I forced myself to kiss him back, hoping he'd stop, you know. BUT THEN HE CONTINUED KISSING ME DX DX DX

He even got a hard-on. Ugh. The hole time I was thinking of ways to get him to back the fuck off without offending him. I mean, he might be the kind of guy who gets revenge. If I offended him, he just might go arround telling everyone we made out. Or he might outright lie and say we did more! DX That is NOT how I want people remembering me.

He kept on telling me not to be nervous, but HE was the one shaking like a leaf. That was kind of funny.

I somehow managed to get him to stop by telling him "I'm not ready yet." I spent my whole time critiquing everything he was saying.

GAWD that was gross though. All around my lips were wet with his slobber. I immediately went to the washroom and washed it off when we got back to school. I'm currently chewing gum so I can somehow feel clean again.


I have this disgustingly ewwy feeling all over my body. I feel kind of bad writing this about him, but I just feel so repulsed.

 Maybe if I read some yaoi manga when I get home I can get at least some of this feeling out of my body.

Remember when I ws doing that Genocide project for Modern History class? And I got myself to feel better after seeing those pictures of dead genocide pictures? The difference between then and now is that then I was sick to my stomach, now I'm not sick, per say, I just have an icky feeling all over. Like a humongous slug went all across.

Ever felt that way before?

And that was only from him kissing me and laying on top of me. I pity any girl who ever loses her virginity to him. Thank GOD I'll probably not see him again for years. It would be soooooo awkward otherwise.

Ugh. I'm surprised I managed not to outright shove him off.

I dunno, I just don't understand men. I mean, where did he get the idea that I was actually attracted to him? Did I give the wrong signals? If so, I really need to learn to give the right ones so that something like this NEVER happens again. UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGHH.

I wish I could read yaoi now, but I'm on one of the school library's computers. I guess I'll have to find something else to get my mind off it.

I need to take a shower so I can feel clean again.

See you guys later...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2012 ⏰

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