Entry Number Sixty-Four (3/9/2011)

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Dear readers,

I wrote quite a bit yesterday, didn't I?

Did you enjoy it?

I did XD

Anyway, I'm on early because dad's gone to work. It's noon. So yeah... Lots of time to watch Pretear and do... stuff! 

Yesterday, when I was waiting for this computer to load(it took an awfully long time), I was doing this flow-y dance thing that was kind of like a mixture of Yoga and Martial Arts. I'm so lazy that even that put me out of breath. I wonder why I don't get fat? I probably will once I get older and my metabolism isn't as high. Oh well. I can worry about my weight then.

That's something I don't get, you know? A week or so ago, there were these girls in my grade that were near my locker(a couple of their lockers are near mine). And they where talking about how many calories was in their food! I mean what the hell?! They're MY AGE! Worry about shit like that when you're an adult! Before then, who gives a shit? You're a kid, act like one! You gotta enjoy bein' a kid while you still can, 'cause ya only got a couple more years! You don't got time to worry about shit like that!


I don't get it! Why do people give a shit? Gawd, like when people put on makeup! I only put on makeup on special occasions, and even then, rarely, and only on my eyes(and, sometimes, lips, but that doesn't last long, 'cause I have a habit of licking my lips). I never wear cover-up, or blush, or any of that crap. You know why? I find, that the more make-up you wear, the uglier the you without makeup becomes in your mind. I don't like that. We all have our own type of beauty. 

So anyway, today's picture has been posted, and it's related to the topic I was just talking about, so yeah...




I'm watching Pretear on anilinkz, and there's an opening before the opening on every episode w/ a bunch of animes in it w/ the song Butterfly by DDR. Which is today's song. And anyway, one of the animes is Utawarerumono. And now I wanna watch it! So yeah, I'm gonna ditch Pretear for now and start watching Utawarerumono. 



GAHHHHHHH!!! I HATE IT when the timing of the sound is off!!! ARRRRGGGGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



The only other vids I could find where, for some reason unknown, both subbed AND dubbed in english. SO I'm gonna be watching it on Megavideo.



Not watching it on Megavideo anymore because I could only find one episode on it. I'm watching it on Google video now. Probably gonna end up switching sites again soon though, not sure if it has more that just the first four episodes.

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