Entry Number Twenty-Three (1/27/2011)

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Dear readers,

I did mah Math exam today. It was mostly easy with the exception of the last, like, two questions. So tomorrow is my last exam!!! FUCK YEAH!!! YAYZ!!! AWESOME!!! BANANAS!!!

lolz that waz random.

Anyway, I'm listening to music on my MP3 right now, but I'm gonna be watchin' ANTM again soon.

Oh yeah I forgot. The French(my next exam is the French one) teacher gave us the criteria for the essays that are gonna be in the exam(there are two choices). I was going to write the whole thing and memorize it, but I'm too lazy to do that so I'm just gonna memorize my main points.

So anyway, earlier on my MP3 I was listening to this really goos song, it's in Japanese. It's Lonely in Gorgeous by Tommy February 6. It's the opening song to the anime Paradise Kiss. That was a good anime. It has a sad ending, but not one that makes me dislike the anime like the one from Nana.

The pictures in the vid are from Paradise Kiss.

I'll pick today's picture later.

So c ya!



I'm just about to start my last episode of the second series of ANTM. I hope Shandi Wins!

Actually, nope. I just checked, it's not the last episode after all. There's still one more.

Anyway, today's picture is another t-shirt design. I can read it. lolz


Sry nope, the pic didn't work. The one I put up instead is great to tho XD




Anyway, imma gettin' off now so I have time to read some before I think of my main ideas for my French exam tomorrow.

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