Baby I'd Die for You

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Kamil (2 months later):

It's been two months and I still haven't seen, touched or even smelled Anastasia. I miss her and when I find her I'm gonna beat the shit out of her for running away from me again. I've done everything for that girl all for her just to runaway with a Mexican she just met.

"Fuckk you're so big daddy!"

I rolled my eyes patiently waiting for this girl to get the fuck off of me. Anastasia has my mind all fucked up I'm not even into sex anymore.

"Oh my gawwwd!"

Sighing in frustration I grabbed my gun off the nightstand and shot her in her in the head. Her brain splattered all over my face. Instantly cutting off her moans. I groaned in frustration and pushed her off of me. When I got up, I wrapped a towel around my waist to go shower but was interrupted when Leon busted into my room.


Instantly he grabbed my attention.

"Who did?"

"Hans men spotted them at a restaurant in Texas. He's waiting on you to tell them what do."

This was it I finally get my wife back and that son of a bitch head in my hands. A big smile appeared on my bloody face.

"Bring them to me alive..."

Anastasia (2 hours before):

"Mar can you put on something other than a suit please."

"I thought you said I looked sexy in a suit."

I rolled my eyes and smiled at him. Although, I do think it...

"I never said that baby."

"Yes you did diosa, I can read your mind."

He winked and walked back into the closet. Shaking my head, I walked into the bathroom so that I could start on my makeup and get myself dressed. Mar and I got tired of hiding and staying trapped inside of this house so he offered to take me out on a date. I was surprised but at this point I will do anything to get out of here.

For the past two months our relationship has grown amazingly. I still have my guard up and I can see that it bothers him. Sometimes I push him away without meaning to and say somethings I have no right saying but he still stays with me.

I'm not sure if we're dating we never really talked about it. I guess you can say we're just vibing and it feels amazing. I've never felt this way about anyone before. He makes me feel like I'm the most beautiful girl in the world. He does things to my mind, body and soul in ways I cannot explain and not to mention but that man is so fucking sexy. I get wet just thinking about him.

"Diosa let's go!" He shouted at me for the fifth time

"Beauty takes time apuesto." (Handsome)

After finishing the last finishing touches to my look. I walked out and watched in satisfaction as his eyes roamed every inch of my body. He bit down on his lip and looked me up and down. I took the time to look at him also and as usual he looked so handsome. I bit down on my lip and ran my hands up and down is chest then through his soft silk hair. We stared into each other's eyes just enjoying the moment in silence. His hands roamed all over my body. He touched every dip and curve on me before taking my lips into a kiss that felt like the Fourth of July.

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