I Trust You

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I pushed Hans dead body off of me and quickly ran over to Marcelo. I hovered over him trying my best to keep him awake. He was groaning out in pain from the bullet that was on the far left of his lower abdomen.

"Mar baby, I need you to stay awake for me."

I ripped off a sleeve from my outfit and tied it around his womb to stop the bleeding.

"ARGHHHH!" He screamed out loudly and started coughing

"I need you to get up papi, I can't loose you Mar baby get up."

"I-I'm not leaving y-you diosa... not today."

He put his hand on my cheek and slightly smiled.

"Come on, I need to get you home."

I wrapped his arm around my neck and sat him up slowly. Blood puddled all across the floor. He was losing a lot of it.

"On three... one... three"


I stood him up and god damn is the nigga heavy. He groaned and I gave him a moment before walking him to the car. Carefully I placed him inside of the passenger seat and hurried into the drivers side. I sped home and couldn't get there any faster.


I wasn't playing when I said I'd do anything for my goddess. I took a bullet to save her life. I gave my life for hers because I love her. I wanna tell her I do but I know she'll just push me away so I keep my mouth shut and just let my actions express how I feel.

My eyes got heavy and when I started closing them she smacked me hard on my face.

"NO MARCELO!" She shouted at me

"Fuck diosa..." I groaned

Faster than I thought we we're already home. She got out of the car and helped me out. I groaned out in pain and held onto her tightly as I limped inside of the house. When we got in, she carefully sat me down on the couch.

"Arghhh..." I groaned

"I'll be back I'm gonna go get some stuff to clean you up so stay up Marcelo seriously."

I smiled through my pain and nodded my head. Two minutes had passed and she came down with a first aid kit and a bottle of whiskey.

She handed me the whiskey and I chugged it. Hoping that it would numb the pain. She took off my shirt and untied the tie she had around my womb.

"Drink some more papi, this is gonna hurt." She looked up at me

I could see all the care and worry she had for me in her beautiful brown eyes. I nodded my head and drank some more.


I could feel her hands digging inside of me trying to pull out the bullet.

"Got it!"

She pulled it out and I let out a very much needed deep breath. I closed my eyes once again and she smacked me.

"Stop it!" She shouted at me

I nodded my head tiredly and drank some more whiskey as she proceeded to clean my wound and stitch me up.



I watched him sleep on our bed peacefully on his back just admiring him, taking all of him in.

Flashbacks from tonight kept replaying in my head. He took a bullet for me, he's saved my life three times but I've done nothing but been hard on him and push him away.

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