Get Him

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Quickly but quietly, three of Marcelo's men brought out a rope and sent one end down the hole as they held on tightly to the other.

Preparing to send Mar down.

"Sir, wouldn't you like to make sure everything is safe before you go down there?"

Selene asked, she was sweating her ass off and she barely did anything.

"I'll be fine, just make sure Anastasia stays up here and keep her safe."

"Yes sir..."

"Mar, stop calling me that." I pouted with my arms crossed

"Start behaving and I'll stop."

I let out a hard sigh and rolled my eyes. I yelped when he pinched me hard on the ass. Giving me a knowing glare.


"Señor, estamos listos." (Sir, we're ready)

I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck as his hand rested on my waist.

"I know you're mad at me right now but I love you to death. I know you'll make it out alive but still be careful apuesto." (Handsome)

"I can't die yet, I have to meet my future assassin first."

He bent down and kissed my stomach then my forehead. He was about to walk away but I stopped him.

"I swear to god if you don't put your lips on mine right now. The moment you get down there I will throw a grenade in the cave with you inside of it."

He swallowed a gulp then kissed my lips softly.

"I love you..." He trailed pulling away

I watched him go down the rope and I took a deep breath to calm my nerves at the thought of this going wrong.

When he reached the floor. He tugged on the rope letting us know he made it safely.


It was a pretty dark cave but you could see a light coming from down the walkway. I pulled out my gun and turned on the light that came with it.

The closer I got to the light the more I realized that it was a home. An underground safe house.

I heard the tv going on but when I stepped foot into the living room, no one was there.

It was like everything was in slow motion. As soon as I turned around, I watched a bullet just barely miss my head and go straight through the tv.

I quickly shot at him back but missed by a hair. He took cover behind the island in the kitchen as did I behind the couch. We took turns trying to shoot each other but when I stood up he was down. When he stood up I was down. I took the time trying to find the rhythm we were in without getting shot.

"CÓMO COÑO ME ENCONTRASTE?" (How the fuck did you find me)

"DÓNDE ESTÁ DIEGO, SAMSON!?" (Where's Diego, Samson)

"Vas a tener que matarme primero." (You're gonna have to kill me first)

We got up at the same time both about pull the trigger but then...


I turned my head seeing Anastasia standing there with her gun pointed at Samson.

He quickly pointed the gun at her. Without hesitation I jumped on the couch and jumped on top of him but even still the gun went off.

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