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Once the show was over with and the curtains close you turn around. "Amazing as always, Flower!",Valentine exclaims and she holds out a red robe. Topless with only a lacy thong on you take it and quickly cover yourself up. Your chest rises and falls with each heavy breath and your skin is hot.

"Blitzø is okay now right? You're not going to do anything to him?",you ask with furrowed brows. Tying the robe shut she gives a nod and crosses her three hearts in her chest.

"We had a deal. I always keep my word.",she smiles.

You nod while pushing back your hair. Without another word to her you turn and begin to walk away. "The offer is always on the table! To join me!" You continue walking even as she shouts this. Wiping it from your mind with a shake of your head. As if you'd ever work with someone like her.

   With that done and over with you just want to get home and drink until you black out. Life really has been kicking your ass more than usual lately and the emotional turmoil you're feeling isn't helping.

   You feel guilty as you walk into your dressing room and begin to pull on your comfortable clothing. Blitzø fucked up but you giving him the childish silent treatment wasn't right. You know how emotionally fragile he is, maybe you should apologize to him. He did apologize multiple times to you.

    With nothing to take home—since the eager fans took all your clothing your stripped out of—you turn and make your leave out of the dressing room. Wanting some air and space away from the others just to gather yourself, you decide to head out of the club and just wait for them by the van.

    You leave out of the back again and give a smile to the bouncer who bids you a goodbye.

With a soft sigh you look up while rounding the building and weaving through the parking lot. Ways to apologize run through your head, what you did was valid but it was ultimately childish. It must have hurt Blitzø.

"Sir please just calm—",Moxxie flinches again when Blitzø snatches his arm away from him. When he spots you walking towards the van he begins to storm over, the others hurrying close behind.

You look up and notice the others are making their way towards you. So much for spending a few moments alone. When you walk up to Blitzø you sigh softly and open your mouth to speak. "Bl—"

"Why didn't you tell me you took a job from Mammon and that jester!",he immediately shouts.

Your e/c eyes widen and you jump a bit at him coming at you with a furious expression and voice. It takes a few moments for you to absorb what he says before it hits. When it hits you feel a pang hit your heart and you look to Striker with a shake of your head.

"Y-You told him?",you breathe out feeling a bit betrayed,"Why would you do that?..."

"Doll I—",Striker is interrupted when Blitzø steps closer to you.

"Yeah he did! How could you keep that secret from me? How could you accept that job after everything they did to us—to you? Why didn't you tell me? But you told Striker!",he shouts while being expressive with his hands and shaking his head.

You swallow hard and exhale deeply. "Blitzø it was a job. Money is more important that some stupid past, we need money! Who cares if I did a job for them?",reaching up and rubbing your temples you try to contain your fragile emotions right now. You drop your hands while looking into his eyes. "If I told you, you would have never agreed to it."

"No fucking shit! You can't just do shit like this without my permission!" Blinking back a bit you feel a pang hit your heart.

"Your permission?",you repeat incredulously,"Last I checked you aren't my boss. We are partners and I have the right to do what I want with who I want. Why are you so upset about this? It's over and done with I can't just go back and not do it."

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