1. Careless

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"I can't fucking believe you two are arguing over this when we just discovered Toby is a rapist," Arrow was obviously done with their shit as he stared at the ceiling, Milo joins him and struggles to sit down properly on the sofa chair.

"I would love to offer you a walk but I'm in no condition for that," Milo smiles apologetically at the vampire who was obviously past the denial stage and entering the first stages of rage.

"He fucking fooled us, all these years!" The two decide to ignore Victor and London in the background as they dive into their own, calm conversation.

"What do you intend to do about it?" Milo curiously asks as he takes the TV remote from the table in front of them.

"I don't know?" Arrow sighs, continuing to play with the ball, "It's not a decision I get to take alone, I have to talk with these two imbeciles first..." Arrow groans, rolling his eyes when he notices they just left to argue elsewhere.

"You were affected by it too, you have a say in what you want to do and how pissed you want to feel..." Milo speaks after a moment of comfortable silence when Arrow suddenly sits up and looks at him.

"I want to kill him," he hisses, his orbs were completely dark, a demonic aura invading his eyes, mirroring all the hatred and the rage he was experiencing within. "I always stuck by his side, I believed him blindly whenever he claimed he was innocent of all those crimes but he just took advantage of my love and passion towards him to commit even worse crime. He fucking enslaved his own folks for goodness sake!"

Arrow throws the stress ball against the wall in a fit of rage and grabs his hair frustratingly, to which Milo didn't know how to respond. He clearly feared being alone with the vampire during his rage.

A knock on the door interrupted their chit chat and Milo groans dramatically, hugging the pillow to scream in it.

"I'm so fucking done with unexpected guests for today!" He complains as he gets up to get the door.

London and Victor apparently finished their argument as they walked back into the living room, curious to know who was knocking at the door.

The three supernaturals stand behind Milo as he reaches for the doorknob, expecting Toby or better yet, Elijah.

Yet, they're all taken by surprise when a very pissed Malcolm stands by the door, looking down at the fancy watch on his wrist.

"Victor, I was expecting my grimoires by-" The dark warlock's words get stuck in his throat as he makes eye contact with the human from his dreams.

The five males freeze in their stances as Milo and Malcolm stare at each other with utter and complete shock, both for their different reasons.

He found him.


"Who is he?" Malcolm's eyes sparkle with interest as he pushes the entrance door ajar and stares Milo down.

"I'm not the one showing up at your doorstep," Milo rambles, his voice getting higher at the end. He wanted to run away before Malcolm realizes everything but he wasn't as lucky.

"I know you from somewhere, don't I?" There it was, the soft look in Malcolm's eyes as he takes in Milo's frightened expression. "What's your name?" Malcolm proceeds when he notices that the human standing before him wasn't about to talk.

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