5. Breeding

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Chapter 5: Breeding

Maybe I shouldn't have done that.
Was the second thought to cross Milo's mind after the bravery high he experienced from reversing the soup bowl over the dark male.

After everything he experienced in his several lives, Milo is yet to find anyone with the ability to intimidate him the way Malcolm did. With just one look, the latter had the power to make him quiver like a kitten in the storm.

"Are you going to stare at me till dawn?" Milo's voice is shaky after the silence stretches for way too long.

Dark shadows clouded Malcolm's eyes, invading the whiteness and temporarily stripping him of whatever humanity he had left. The skin of his ears turned blue as if the stars and galaxies swam under his skin. If the circumstances were any different, the human would stare in awe but the present moment called for apprehension.

"If it were someone else who dared to do this, they'd have died before they blinked!" Malcolm's thick, irritated voice ripples through the silence, finally breaking from his stance. Not believing the human dared to disrespect him with no regard for his safety.

"But I'm not someone else," Malcolm's words recharge Milo's confidence in himself, reminding him that the man standing before him, and no matter how intimidating he is, would never hurt him intentionally.

"For someone whose head can be snapped in a blink, you are pretty brave." Malcolm tries to regulate his breathing, putting his demons on a leash before he takes a stride towards his ballsy mate.

"For someone who has been ignoring me for two days, you are pretty chatty," Milo retorts, raising his head with pride as he comes chest to chest with the man who makes him weak in the knees.

"We are taking things slow," Malcolm's eyebrows crease with confusion as he looks at the human intently.

Milo blinks, twice, thrice. Trying to make sense of the words that just came out of the drenched male's lips but nothing makes sense anymore.

"You call abducting me and imprisoning me in your shitty bedroom with no access to the real world, taking things slow?" Milo spits the words harshly as he steps chest to chest with Malcolm, feeling tiny compared to him but not intimidated anymore.

It's Malcolm, he kept telling himself, he would never hurt me.

"We are getting to know each other..." The warlock's voice is softer, having Milo so close to him had him intoxicated. The proximity is almost too dangerous for his senses.

"I have met stupid, I have loved and hated stupid my whole life. I know stupid but somehow, you manage to amaze me continuously with the shit going through that thick skull!" Milo's fists slam against the hard chest repeatedly, secretly hoping he could hurt him but he fails to notice the arms sneaking around his small waist and the hungry eyes seizing his features.

"Do you not fear for your life?" Malcolm smirks as he stares down at his very stubborn, very brave mate, feeling the twitch in his pants that he had been trying to control for the past two days.

"I know you wouldn't lay a finger on me," Milo spits proudly at the man consuming him with his stares. He could sense the bulge against his stomach, making his legs feel all wobbly but he knows better than to put his emotions on display.

"I would lay much more than one finger on you," Malcolm raises an eyebrow cheekily, his mind already erasing the soup stunt, he didn't find it in him to be mad for that long. "Much, much more than a finger!" He closes his eyes, breathing heavily and burying his nose in Milo's soft hair.

"G... Get lost," Milo's words betray him as he grips into the two very muscular forearms of the man intoxicating him.

"Oh, I am already lost in you, angel." Malcolm chuckles hoarsely as he pushes his mate down on the bed for his meal. "Unlike you, I don't spoil my food." Milo's eyes double in size as he feels the burn of the Devil's eyes on him, stripping him and kissing every inch of his burning skin.


4 days later.

"What are you doing?" Milo whines when he feels the all too familiar lips travel down his naked back for the millionth time that week.

Four days went by since the day Malcolm pushed him into the bed and kissed his way around Milo's most intimate parts.

And for four whole days, Malcolm's body barely left his, kissing him, caressing him, holding him, fucking him, making love to him. Milo was beyond spent, the only times they had stopped were when Milo had to eat, sleep or wash away the smell of sex which Malcolm hates with a passion.

"I miss you," the tatted warlock whispers down the spent human's ears.

"For fucks sake, do you not know rest?" Milo wants to complain, his words were clean but his mind not so much.

Fucked into oblivion is how he felt at the moment, he had yet to move from the bed without Malcolm pinning him against the closest surface or carry him like a feather to fuck the daylights out of him. Standing up seemed almost impossible, he knew he wouldn't make it two steps without the giant arms seizing him up and manhandling him.

"It has been hours... " Malcolm's voice is almost  child-like, earning him a low chuckle from the spent mate.

"I'm sorry but we can't spend eternity tangled in your sheets banging!" Milo tries for yet another futile attempt to escape the death grip on his waist, only pushing Malcolm to hold him stronger to his chest.

"You're right..." The oldest of the two seems to be considering for a bit and Milo hopes that he has finally reasoned with him but all hopes die when the next words fly from Malcolm's mouth. "We should try this elsewhere before it gets all too boring to you," he hums in coordination with a nod.

"No!" Milo shrieks and winces in pain when he turns around to face the man who makes him drool but at the same time want to kill himself. "We need to have a life, I can't just lay here like some breeding stock to satisfy your carnal desires for days and weeks, as much as I love the feeling of your dick rearranging my guts, I need to feel like I'm useful to do something other than milking your seeds." Milo is completely oblivious to the way his choice of words affects his man but the growing bulge is there to remind him.

"You're not breeding stock," is all Malcolm manages to mutter after blinking several times, head filled with images of Milo only breathing to take his dick and serve him.

"Then prove it." He challenges him with a hard  stare, stabbing the firm chest with his harmless finger to get his point across. "Prove that I mean more to you and let me decide what we do for a day."

Malcolm doesn't answer with words, instead lowers his head and without breaking eye contact takes the finger in his mouth, sucking it gently, savouring the tender flesh of his mouth before he let's go with a popping sound.

"Anything for you, princess." A smirk tears it's way on Malcolm's features when he notices the twitch in Milo's face. Four days were enough to learn how to read the man like an open book, especially when he gets turned on.

Milo could deny it all he  wants, but with one simple word, Malcolm has the power to ignite his dormant desires.

Very quickly, the idea of being his breeding stock wasn't so bad.

Big bad Milo secretly —or not so secretly as he's been vocal about it— enjoyed being dicked down from dusk till dawn.

Who would've figured.


Short chapter after almost one year of hiatus? I mean... Could you really blame me, the characters just didn't show up. Not really my fault!

All jokes aside tho, I'm sorry for being MIA, it has been truly a rough, unsettling year. I'm building myself from scratch up and this is my way of taking care of unfinished business..

Expect updates during the week, I need to reread everything before I continue writing so there isn't a huge pile of plot holes.

You might have noticed that nothing major happens in here, it's because my head is a black hole and I don't wanna advance on unknown territory. The plot picks up on the next chapter!

Thank you all for the constant support and appreciation.

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