10. Promise

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Chapter 10: Promise.

After retrieving to his study, Victor proceeds to wrap his shivering frame in the dark green robe hanging on his office sofa. He tightens the rope and with a vivid hand gesture, pulls a grimoire that he had hidden behind the brick walls.

He has to get better, maybe if he works hard enough, if he's a stronger warlock, they would trust him again. The grimoire in hand wasn't something he should be messing with, he concealed it behind the wall for a reason but the decaying maroon leather contained so much knowledge and with it, so much power.

It's exactly how Malcolm started assembling his untamed strength. Their kind were born with an indefinite strength but only practice and mastery of the books can make them invincible. The flaw with that is that no matter how hard you work, someone is always working twice as hard.

“Fancy bathroom you have,” Malcolm is first to speak as they interrupt his sanctuary, he didn't sense them coming, which was another clue he's getting too weak.

Even Malcolm thinks you're worthless.

It shouldn't hurt, but it bloody does and the pain isn't physical but it's sickening. He drops the leather book closed, not like he could focus anyway and stared at London who stood behind Malcolm with a worried look on his face, yup, that's it. Pity me, exactly what I needed.

“I wasn't quite aware that I answer to you now,” He knew he did, it was never said but as clear as day. If their relationship proceeds to the next level, Victor will start answering to Malcolm, like the rest of them. Perhaps with the exception of Milo, who always seems to do what he pleases.

“Never said you should,” his brother's voice was full of understanding as they both invaded his study, approaching him like the deadly predators they are but he knew they were of no threat to him.

He simply sat there, not breaking eye contact with Malcolm as the older yanked his arm, sat in his place and pulled him into his lap. Victor is disoriented, tries to break free but his attempts are fruitless. London joins them, leaning his ass against the desk and taking his husband's hands in his.

“I believe it's time we talk, babe. I don't want to repeat mistakes of the past and drift apart because none of us had the balls to speak our minds!” London starts, looking deeply into his husband's exhausted eyes, hoping to convey the honesty of his sentiment.

“You mean when I failed to lead this household?” Victor's snicker is void of any trace of humor, laced with the  bitterness and dejection he feels inside.

A deep sigh leaves London's lips and he kneels before his husband; who is still being held in Malcolm's lap and caressed like a fragile creature.

“Victor, darling!” London insists on holding the turmoiled man's hands and look into his eyes while he speaks. “You have been nothing but an extraordinary leader, a loving husband and a fierce protector for many years. Never, in my wildest dreams, had I dared question your ability to do it. If I'm being honest, I am afraid I'll never be half the man you are. You are by far more stable and more collected than I, or Malcolm for that matter.” he briefly breaks the eye contact to inspect the dark warlock who's looking at them with his signature poker face, not slipping for a second to display any kind of emotion.

Drifting his eyes back to Victor, he takes a deep breath, knowing that his words will have a huge impact and choosing them carefully might just save his marriage from crumbling down like a house of cards.

“But it's time we both be honest with ourselves, before we are honest with each other. I don't want you to submit to me because I don't respect you as my leader, I want you to submit to me because I want to take care of you the way you've been taking care of us all this time. You were never meant to carry the burden by yourself and I should've seen this sooner but you deserve better. You deserve someone looking after you fiercely, selflessly and without rationality. As I said before, I'm unstable, a madman, a defect of nature that should've never existed in the first place but with dedicating my every breathe to guide and protect you, the world might be safe from my evil.” London wasn't lying, he wasn't coercing Victor into anything or telling him what he wanted to hear. The warlock could simply tell by looking into those deep, tormented eyes that his husband wanted nothing but to love him.

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