11. Ritz Carlton

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Chapter 11: Ritz Carlton

Two Months Later

Bang. Bang.

Trying desperately to cancel the loud noise rippling through the thick walls, Milo rolls on his stomach, pulling the pillow over his head and hiding from the first morning light sneaking through the open windows.

Someone was about to die, if he doesn't get his morning rest after the eventful night he had, he was about to Russian roulette their asses to hell.

Moments of silence replace the previous thudding and screams and sleep almost reclaims his conscious mind when another, louder bang erupts from the backyard, breaking him away from his bliss.

London!” Milo grunts into the mattress and the pumping adrenaline eliminates all signs of sleep, the irritation however is only fueled when he jumps out of the bed, throwing the sheets to the ground and wincing as his feet hit the ground.

It has been two months since they all decided to live together, Malcolm who finally came around to sharing him with the others became more reasonable and less agitated. He trusts them and it shows, he knows they wouldn't harm Milo and acts like it's all that matters to him when Milo knows Malcolm is enjoying it too.

He often catches him checking out Arrow while he does basic stuff like cooking or exercising. The dark warlock might never admit it, but he has a soft spot for the vampire who always aims to please him. It might also be due to Arrow's efforts to bring him and Victor closer together, he is always the one to push them into a room together or force them on the same side during dinner time. Malcolm is thankful for it and unknowingly, Arrow had warmed his way into the devil's heart.

Malcolm's relationship with Victor has been less pleasant, the two of them would do anything to avoid being in the same room. As if breathing the same air would put them on fire. Yet, they both want it. It's ridiculous and childish because they care about each other deeply and it shows, especially when they try to be subtle about it. Like Malcolm who suddenly doesn't eat cheese cake, leaving his portions to the stubborn Victor, or when he sends his shadows to stalk him at work like a creep.

Victor on the other hand, pretends he doesn't give a damn, leaving the room whenever Malcolm enters it, just to eavesdrop and ask the others about why he said in the most nonchalant way. Milo even caught him putting covers on a sleeping Malcolm and whenever he left to attend court business in literal Hell, Victor is anxiously waiting, not laughing, not fighting London for dominance, nothing. Just a moody asshole who snaps at a tree branch for existence. It's almost adorable if Milo doesn't get his ass railed whenever it happens, because it makes the all mighty Victor Montgomery look like a whining pup waiting for his master.

Milo would never voice that analogy in front of anyone because he knows how easily it can back fire on him. Not only he doesn't want Victor to hunt down his ass and give him a beating, but he isn't ready to be teased for being the most desperate during Malcolm's absences. Especially not by London.

London, on the other hand, has the most wholesome relationship with the dark warlock. The hybrid looks at him like he hung the moon and invented the stars, following him everywhere he goes and doing whatever he tells him to do. Arrow and Milo always have bet for how far he would go to kiss his mentor's ass but anything the older does, London finds impressive. He is a quick learner as well, he managed to get up to speed on basic management of his skills, like opening a short distance portal, locating people, using concealment spells. Malcolm had taught him how to protect so far, and he couldn't be more eager to learn the offense. Yet, there is a long way to go before it happens.

As Milo storms down the stairs, he is welcomed by the mouthwatering smell of bacon and eggs but he doesn't stop, ignoring Victor and Arrow's invites to join them for breakfast as he stumps his shorter legs towards the backyard where London and Malcolm are shirtless, practicing a shield spell.

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