2 : my new patient

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"Hwayoung, your first appointment of the day with Seo Daewon, starts at 3 pm." Her assistant, Yunhee reminded her.

"Noted," Hwayoung replied as she sorted out the documents that were pilled up everywhere on her table. She regretted not clearing her table earlier.

Being a therapist was not that easy. However, it was something that she enjoyed and dreamed of since young. Now, she has become one of the most successful young therapists in South Korea.

"Okay, this is Daewon's documents, this is Jaesang's documents, this is Hakjum's documents... Wait- who is this?" Hwayoung picked up a foreign blue file on her table and flipped it open to read the name of the unexpected patient.

"Yang Jungwon?!" Hwayoung gasped as her hand covered her mouth in shock. Did she read it wrongly? No, she did not. His name was printed on the paper.

"How could it be..." She muttered in disbelief as she continued to read his details below.

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Yang Jungwon

D.O.B: 9 February 2001
Phone No.: +82 XXX-XXXX-XXX
Disorder(s): Social Anxiety Disorder, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
Name of Parent (Mother): Yang Jinkyong
Parent's No.: +82 XXX-XXXX-XXX


First Appointment: 14 May 2021, 5 pm
Place: C̶l̶i̶n̶i̶c̶ / Patient's House

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"What about his father... Could it be because of...?" Hwayoung paused as she recalled what she overheard from some of her classmates over the past week.

There was a recent rumour in the school saying that Jungwon's parents were divorced and he was now only living with his mother.

"What happened..." Hwayoung wondered as she tapped her finger on the table continuously, trying to guess the possibilities of what happened to Jungwon.

Moreover, why was Jungwon absent from school today when she saw him at the carpark just now?

Her thoughts then got interrupted by Yunhee who came in and reminded her about her appointment with Daewon in five minutes.

"Alright, tell her to come in when she arrives," Hwayoung told Yunhee.

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4.45 pm.

Fifteen more minutes left before Hwayoung was going to meet Jungwon.

Her mind was filled with so many questions. It was just so confusing. She could not conclude anything.

She still was unable to believe that Jungwon suffered from such disorders. She could not see it coming from him at all. In school, he acted so normal as if nothing was bothering him.

When she thought about Jungwon, Sihyo also came to her mind. She could recall the time when Sihyo had suffered from Anorexia Nervosa - an eating disorder that made people view themselves as overweight, even if when they are already dangerously underweight. They tend to constantly monitor their weight, avoid eating certain types of food, and severely restricted their calories.

THERAPY ● Yang Jungwon Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora