24 : goodbye

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"May this be our toast to our never-ending friendship!"
Jake held out a wine glass to Hwayoung.

This might also be his last ever dinner in Seoul, Korea.

There was still an hour before his flight is going to take off.

He had to end his and Hwayoung's conversation soon.

"Never-ending friendship!"
Hwayoung cheered her fruit juice with his wine glass.

Time passed by so quickly...

And, I'm still in love with you...

"Do make sure you get together with Yang Jungwon, ah!"
Jake reminded Hwayoung and stood up after he finished his glass of red wine.

"I gotta go right now! I'm in a rush! Do take care of yourself, okay? No matter what happens, do call or message me if you need. I will always be there for you."
Jake told her with a reassuring smile on his face.

"Yo, why are you acting so weird? We are still going to see each other, why do you sound as if one of us is going to die?"
Hwayoung laughed out and stood up too.

"I'm being serious, Hwayoung. No matter what happens, do call or message me. I promise I will always be there for you."
Jake repeated his sentence again.

Hwayoung got cut off by a tight hug from Jake.

"Gosh! I'm going to miss you so much..."
Jake whispered but, Hwayoung was not able to catch what he was saying.

Hwayoung asked when Jake pulled away from the hug.

"Nothing! You are just really pretty, wow..."
Jake admired Hwayoung's features for the last time.

"Yah, you are acting so weirdly."

"No, I'm not! Come on, let's take just one selfie!"
Jake said and took out his phone from his pocket.

"Say cheese! One... Two... Three!"
Jake pressed onto the camera button longer than usual and it blasted at least a hundred photos.

Hwayoung exclaimed and slapped his shoulder.

"Gosh, you look like a pig in this photo!"
Jake pointed out when he looked through the pictures.

Hwayoung tried to snatch his phone away and they ran around the empty restaurant until Hwayoung got tired out which was five minutes only.

"Gosh, your stamina sucks!"
Jake noticed Hwayoung panting heavily.

Since Hwayoung ran out of breath, she just gave up pretending to be angry and started laughing.

"Eo Hwayoung, do remember if you ever need me again, you can always come back to me! My heart will always be open for you! AND, ONLY YOU!"
Jake yelled across the empty restaurant and walked off.

THERAPY ● Yang Jungwon Where stories live. Discover now