7 : dandelion clip

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"Now, let's head for lunch!"
Jungwon looked over at his limousine and Hwayoung followed along.

"What do you want to have? Specifically what kind of cuisine?"
He asked.

"Japanese cuisine! I'm craving sushi!" Hwayoung replied.

"Alright, it's all on me then. Eat whatever you want later."
Jungwon said and entered the limousine.

{{ }}

"Okay, I will get these three. What are you having, Jungwon?"
Hwayoung asked.

Jungwon remained silent as he constantly shifted to the side of his seat.

Hwayoung then suddenly recalled that Jungwon had social anxiety and this waitress's actions were only going to make him feel worse.

She had unbuttoned three buttons of her white shirt. She had a super-short skirt since she most probably rolled it at the waist area.

And, she had lowered herself down, placed both of her forearms on the table and started to lean closer to Jungwon every second.

"What the fuck-"
Hwayoung thought when she got disgusted by the waitress's actions.

"Oh my fucking God- this bitch-" Hwayoung cursed internally when she saw the waitress's hand going closer to where it should not be at.

"Section 354 of the Penal Code criminalises the use of criminal force on another person with the intention or knowledge that it will thereby outrage the modesty of that person. Outrage of modesty is also commonly known as molestation."
Hwayoung slammed her hand onto the table and earned everyone's attention.

"What the heck- is she a lawyer?"
The waitress thought and noticed everyone's attention on the three of them.

She immediately got up and buttoned back up her shirt and unrolled down her skirt, moving it back to its original length.

Her face was boiling red in embarrassment and she glared at Hwayoung as she inhaled harshly.

"What are you still waiting for? Take his order properly!"
Hwayoung instructed.

"Uhm... Sir, what would you like to have?"
She stuttered while she felt Hwayoung's strong stare on her.

Jungwon then pointed at two dishes and the waitress hastily thanked the two and walked away.

"Thank you, I'm so sorry, just now I-"

"Don't be sorry, it's not your fault. Just forget about it. Let's leave this place immediately once we are done with the food."
Hwayoung cut him off as she was still mad with just now.

{{ }}

"What's the next destination?"
Hwayoung beamed with excitement.

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