Chapter 2

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After the wedding was over, Leonard made a statement. "Attention all Birds. Now that we have a truce, Piggy Island is now welcoming all birds to come and spend time there. Don't worry, we won't prank you."

Everyone thought it was a good idea but Red thought it was suspicious. Leonard knew he didn't like the idea so he said, "If you don't believe me, then come along and see for yourself."

Red rolled his eyes and said, "Forget it. I've already been there once."

"Alright your loss." Leonard chuckles.

Meanwhile, with Stella's gang, they agree to go and decide what to do there. "I could show them beautiful art." Willow says.

"I could teach them the wonders of chemistry." Dahlia said. "

"I wanna show them new pranks!" Poppy said.

"NO!" Everyone yells.

"What do you want to do there Gale?" Stella asked.

"Me? I'm not sure." Gale says. "I'll think about it tonight." Then they all head back to their homes.

When Gale went home, she went to get ready for bed. After entering her bedroom, she jumps on her bed and looks at the ceiling thinking what to do at Piggy Island. Then she looks a little bit to her left and sees a piece of paper sticking out from a shelf. She goes to get it and sees it was a drawing of her with the golden egg. She then gets an idea. "You know, I've always wanted to find the golden egg in my youth. Piggy Island has all the good stuff to find things. If they found Eagle Island, they can find Golden Island." Then she laughs.

During the night, she writes a plan. "When we go to Piggy Island, I will pretend I need a place to sleep. They will be dumb enough to believe me. When they let me in, I will steal the throne and we will get to work on finding the one thing I've always wanted."

The Angry Birds Movie 3; Legend of the Golden EggWhere stories live. Discover now