Chapter 25

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Red went back to Matilda's house and started cleaning up. Terence kept watch to make sure he didn't leave. At one point Terence stared at him with a mean look and Red asks, "Are you just gonna stare at me like that all night?" Terence pointed to the floor and signaled him to keep cleaning and stop talking.

By the time Red was done cleaning, it was sunrise. He was exhausted, but he got all the toilet paper off the house and cleaned up the inside. It now looked like the way it was when he first arrived. Matilda and Terence let him go back home and he did so. He was so tired that even the hatchlings walked faster than him.

Once he walked inside his house, the first thing he did was walk to his bed and plopped down face first. As he fell asleep, someone knocked on the door. It startled him awake, then he walked to the door.

When Red opened the door, he saw Silver. She looked at him and said, "Ooh. Had a rough night?"

"Very rough." Red said yawning. "What do you want?"

"I wanted to see if maybe we can hang out later tonight. Just the two of us." Silver suggests.

"Is this a date?" Red asks, then Silver says, "Well I guess you can call it that."

"What about Chuck?" Red asks. "Isn't he over protective when it comes to you hanging out with me?"

"He's finally realized that I'm not a kid anymore." Silver says rolling her eyes. "And now that he's dating Stella, he's okay with me dating you. Of course he knew a long time ago that you liked me and...I liked you."

This made Red smile, and they were silent for a moment. Then they get closer and were about to kiss. Before they did, a flash occurred next to them. They look over and see Chuck with a camera. He was with Stella, Bomb, Hal and Bubbles. Bubbles asked, "Did you get that?"

"Heck yeah." Chuck smiles and high fives Bubbles. Then he says to Red, "Hey look, just because I am letting Silver start dating you doesn't mean you get to make a move on her so soon."

"Anyways, I should go." Silver said. "Dahlia and I are partnering up to start our own science lab. I need to help start building it. See you tonight!" She waves bye and leaves. Red waves bye and then closes the front door.

Later that night, Red is all set for his date night. He meets Silver at the movie theater. It was showing the movie Chuck was talking about back at Golden Island. The movie was called The Ghost Trials. When they went inside, they see Chuck, Stella, Hal, Bubbles, Mighty Eagle, Zeta, Debbie, Matilda, Terence, Bomb and Gale at the theater. Stella said to Red, "Chuck couldn't stop talking about this so I decided to take him here." Red chuckled as they take their seats. Red sees Matilda and Terence and asks, "Wait, who's taking care of your kids?"

"Poppy." Matilda says. "I heard she's good with kids." Terence gives him a thumbs up.

"Well you'll find out what else she's good at when you get home." Stella said. Matilda and Terence didn't know what she was talking about. Then they begin watching the movie.

Back at the house, Poppy was showing Zoey and her sisters some cool pranks that they could do once their parents get home. The kids loved the ideas she was offering. They chose the sticky feather prank. They would dump glue on them and then use a fan to blow the feathers from pillows onto them.

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