Chapter 5

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In Piggy Island, Leonard arranged everyone a place to sleep for the week. Many were going to sleep in other homes of the pigs. Some were going to sleep in the boat. But when he saw Gale, he said, "Oh wait a minute, you wanted to sleep in the castle. I think I have a place somewhere in the castle."

He takes her to the castle and says, "You know, you're the first person to ask to sleep in the castle. Not one of the citizens here have done that."

"Well yeah. Because you are all rich and have shelter." Gale smirked.

"Well, okay, if you think so." Leonard said while they enter the castle. While they walk to the king's throne, Leonard tells her a few legendary stories that Piggy Island knows about. When he mentions the golden egg, Gale's eyes widened and she says, "The golden egg? I heard about that. Actually I believe it is real. I've always wanted to find it."

"Wow, you are really unique compared to many other birds I've met. I guess that's a good thing." Leonard smiles. Then he puts on his crown that was on the throne and Gale says, "Why do you leave the crown on the throne? I mean, someone could steal it when you don't know."

"Well since this place is heavily guarded, I don't need to worry about thieves." Leonard says.

After talking, Leonard took her to a hotel like room with a big bed. Then he said, "Okay, this is for tonight and tomorrow night. I hope you enjoy."

He closes the door and Gale says to herself. "Ugh, Pigs. They are so disgusting. Especially their king. Well, they will have a much better and prettier leader when I take that throne. Muahahahaha!"

Back in Bird Island, Red is trying to make excuses to Matilda and Terence about taking care of the hatchlings. But they weren't good. Here's an example: "I can't take care of kids. I am not good with them."

"Yes you are Red." Matilda smiles. "You rescued the eggs."

"But there's a huge difference between saving kids and taking care of them." Red says.

"Oh it won't be that bad." Matilda chuckles.

When they get to the house. Red sees that it was Zoey and her 3 baby sisters. Then he says, "Okay, I guess it's not that bad. I mean. They look very young."

Matilda smiles and says to the kids, "Alright girls, Red will take care of you for the next few days while we are gone. You be good. We love you."

Before they walked out the door, Red stopped them and yelled, "Wait, a few days?! Why a few days?"

"We are taking a vacation." Matilda said. "Not in Piggy Island but on the other side of the island. There's a nice resort Zeta is building there and we would like to stay there a while."

Red facepalmed himself while Matilda and Terence leave the house. After Red saw them leave he turned around and said, "Okay. What should we... do?" When he turned around, he sees the hatchlings were not standing in front of him anymore. He looked around the house to see where they are. "Hmm, okay, hide and seek. Something hatchlings like." He begins walking around the house to find them.

When he enters another room, three of the hatchlings jump from behind a chair and yell, "Boo!" Red steps back and says," Oh, how cute." When he counts, he only sees three of them. "Huh, where's the oldest?" Little did he know that Zoey was right behind him and she tripped him, which made him fall on his back.

After he fell, the hatchlings start jumping on him. Then they run away since he got mad. When he went to go find them, Zoe tripped him again and he fell on his stomach. Then she got on his back and she pulled his arm to his back. "Prepare to have the most amazing few days of your life!" Zoe whispered into his ear, then her sisters wrap him up with tape.

The Angry Birds Movie 3; Legend of the Golden EggWhere stories live. Discover now