Chapter 1

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"Daddy, look at this." The 6 year old said excitedly, showing the drawing to her father.

Vincent grumbled annoyed.

"I'm busy with a call. Disturb someone else." He said in a patronizing tone.

Lillian's face fell. Felling hurt by her father's indifference.

"But-" She started with huge tears in her eyes when he cut her off.

"GET OUT." He yelled loudly at her, startling her.

"I hate you." She sobbed and towards the door, slamming the door shut with a loud 'bang' on her way out.

"You know, you shouldn't be so hard on her." Carl advised him through the phone.

Vincent rolled his eyes and sighed.

"It's hard. She reminds me of her so bad." He said sadly. Laura has been in a coma for 6 years.

He tried being there for his daughter since she was a baby but as she started to grow up and started to resemble her mother more and more. It started growing harder for him to be there for her.

Lillian, on the other hand, rushed to her attic room, and cried her heart out still clutching the drawing.

Her dad promised to give her a bigger and better room after decorating it, probably a year ago.

She tore the drawing of 4 people up, with her tiny fists, into pieces.

"No one likes me here." She sobbed out hugging her teddy.

"Maybe if I leave they will search for me. And then we will become a happy family." She said rubbing her eyes with a tinge of hope, hicupping.

Suddenly there was a knock on her door.

'Maybe it's daddy.'

She thought to herself. Rubbing her eyes to get rid of any tears.

She yelled out a 'come in'.

Markus- one of the workers- poked his head through the door and came in.

Lillian felt a little disappointed but asked with a little hope. "Did daddy call for me."

Markus shook his head feeling bad.

Lillian ohhed and looked down at her lap.

"How bad do you want your dad to like you." He asked curiously.

"I'd do anything." She stated looking up.

She thought he had a plan to make her dad like her.

"Anything." Markus asked darkly, wiggling his eyebrows in a mischievous way.

"Anything." She confirmed.

He walked to the door and locked it.

"Undress." He said.

She looked at him confused.

"Take off your dress."

She looked at him suspiciously as if to ask 'why'.

"Do you want your father to like you or not." Markus said harshly.

"I do." She said hesitantly.

"Then do as I say."

She stepped out of her bed and slowly removed her clothes. Still unsure of what's gonna take place.

Is he gonna do some black magic or something?

"Your underwear too." He said when he saw her hesitating.

"But.... I'm scared." She admitted feeling her palms begin to sweat.

"If you don't want your father to like you then I will take my leave." He said reaching for the keys. Pretending he was gonna unlock the door.

"No.... wait.... don't go." She sighed.

Anything for daddy's attention. She said to herself.

She slowly removed her underwear and laid on her bed.

She shut her eyes tightly as Markus climbed in with hungry eyes.

She bit her lips when she felt something near her core.

"Please." She whimpered, felling unsafe and scared, a wave of dread swirling inside her.

"Shhh." He hushed her, kissing her before thrusting his manhood inside her.

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