Chapter 54

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The next day, Lillian got up earlier than usual and messaged Riley to not go to their biological parents house since she'd be taking her place for the day.

Riley stirred in her sleep when she heard her phone buzz and decided to checked her phone like she usually does, to check for any important message and jumped out of the bed, freaked out, after reading Lillian's message.

As bad as a sister she was, she wouldn't let her only sister walk into the lion's den. Riley typed up a message telling her to return. But when she saw the blue ticks on the message, it was obvious Lillian was ignoring her message. She called Lillian in hopes of persuading her to return home.

Riley didn't want her sister to go anywhere near that place. She didn't want her to relive her trauma. All for her.

No, Lillian shouldn't be there. No matter what. Riley thought to herself, shaking her head.


How long has it been since she last saw this place....

Lillian thought to herself in a daze as she looked at the mansion from a distance.

It felt weird, being in this place after such a long time. The guards let her through the gates as they saw her walking towards the gate.

Lillian sighed in relief as it meant she didn't have to engage in conversations with them.

She didn't like talking to strangers. It made her feel uneasy.

She felt her phone buzzing inside her pocket and just knew it was Riley. Probably calling her to change her mind. Though it did shock her to see her sister wake up so early.

Honestly, she was starting to wonder whether she should just turn around and leave, and pretend this whole bravado never happened but she couldn't.

She had to do something, even if it meant dealing with her short comings head on. Though she could've mailed a check to return the money she had taken long ago or something- Lillian felt like she owed Vincent an explanation.

The money wasn't hers. She shouldn't even be having it. Issac would be totally disappointed in her if he knew she stole from someone. But she suppose he'd find it hard to believe since he perceived her as a perfect person with high morals.

She entered the living room- that was filled with sun rays- and sat on the edge of a sectional couch, making herself as small as possible by crossing her legs.

It didn't feel right being there. Almost like she didn't belong. Or maybe it was because she hadn't stepped into this place for almost a decade, she wasn't sure.

After a few minutes of dead silence, her phone rang again. This time Lillian decided to take it.

"What are you doing?" Riley hissed out as soon as Lillian picked up the call.

"Nothing." Lillian replied. Well, technically, she was doing nothing.

"Don't play dumb. Why are you even there?"

"I just wanted to do something." Lillian said. She didn't want to tell Riley that she'd stolen from Vincent or make her feel guilty by telling her she just wanted Riley to clear her head before meeting Vincent and Laura again.

"I will do it for you. Come back." Riley sighed out and said, enunciating the last two words, placing a hand on her temple to calm herself.

"Don't you think that'll be suspicious? Me, leaving for a few minutes only to return a little while later." Lillian said resting her head on the arm rest, playing her cards tactically. Taking advantage of Riley's fear of raising suspicion.

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