Bonus chapter (Riley)

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I dedicate this chapter to Akol325 and cutie2795

BTW the next and last chapter of the look [bonus chapter (Lillian)] will be out tomorrow. Tried to upload with this chapter, but it made the chapter too lengthy.


Riley had to remind herself to breathe before wrapping her hand against the cold handle and let herself through the door.

The house was empty like a haunted house, and there was a tight grip inside her chest when she finally opened the door.

There were no signs of anyone else in the mansion other than the existence Max's car parked outside the house. He was there then, somewhere.

"You're back." A hallow voice that was devoid of any joy fell into her ears before she had the chance to close the door. With her hand wrapped tightly over the handle, she let out a shaky breath with determination. She could do it. She thought to herself before closing the door.

"Yes." The word 'mom' she'd been using to address Laura was on the tip of her tongue, begging to be let out but she knew it wasn't fair to inflict more pain onto her. With a tight expression, she sat on the chair across Laura on the balcony.

"You lied, about getting your memory wiped in a car accident."


Laura managed to squeeze out a pain filled laugh, looking like she was on the verge of breaking down but somehow managed to hold it together.

Riley heart twitched painfully looking at Laura, but resisted that voice inside her that was screaming at her to comfort the other woman. She didn't want to give Laura any hope. And if she has any, Riley would rather destroy it then and there.

"I can ask you why you ran away- but i would be asking the wrong person. I had twins- my babies. I didn't even know either of you." She said in a self mocking tone before she cried out in pain filled realization- something that was a hard pill to swallow. Twins! She was right. She had twins. She should be poking fun at her husband for telling her otherwise, make him coddle her for tell her 'the doctor said it's one, it is one'. It should've been a happy occasion, with her newborns cuddled in her arms.

Not like this.

Never like this.

Not with one of her twin barely acknowledging anyone in the room and the other here to cut off all ties with her.

It just can't be.... her heart cried at how her daughter was putting distance between them.

Wrong person indeed. Riley thought to herself. She just wasn't aware who was the person she'd have to ask to have the answer.

Guilt intensified internally, seeing Laura so miserable.

No amount of apology can fix this. Neither reason, nor explanation.

"She's not coming here. Is she?" Laura told herself she'd keep it together, but the wobble on her lower lip forced her composure- which she forced together- apart. She knew the answer, but she wanted to hear it herself.

Riley gulped down saliva as she shook her head. And she'd prefer it that way, if she were to be honest.

Setting boundaries wasn't something Lillian was good with. And seeing Laura the way she was seeing, she'd no doubt Lillian force herself to be in touch.

"Speaking of Lillian and running away. You never tried to reach out to her either. And I don't mean reporting a missing person. But through phone."

Riley knew it because she recalled hers being the one of the few number she'd saved. And wondering deep into night why neither her mother's nor her father's number was in the contact list.

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