Chapter 69

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A dark, suffocating aura started to creep into Jason's office as he listened to the man on the other side with a clouded look.

They saved his father. So he was told by the other person who sent his best killer after his father.

He was saved. And he likely already knows by now who sent him. Or more specifically, who wants him dead.

"What shall we do?" Jason was ready to chew him out for not being capable of even finish a task as simple as that but he held his breath when he heard the distressed man's next words. "I think they already know. The cops are sniffing around my night club."

"We? You sent people to kill my father, and you want me to help you? His son?" He snarled out, almost finding the notion that he'd help his fathers killer out, pathetic and laughable.

He could feel ice emitting from the other side but he didn't wait for a reply and hung up, leaving the man seething without a word on the other side.

He can't get involved with him anymore. It was dangerous. If the cops pulled out his call history and listened to them, he'd be in serious trouble, it was best to cut him off now when they don't have anything on him.

It would be idiotic of him to go down by having his private convention leaked.

As he paced in his office with a bothered look, he question rang in his mind so obnoxiously loud he couldn't concentrate on anything else.

How did the fucker even mange to get caught doing a mundane task?

But more importantly, how the fuck did the bloody cops know his father was going to get killed?

A small number of faces who knew about the assassination plan, flashed before his eyes.

A bunch of lowly thugs whom he could drag down with him if he was going down. No, they didn't have motivation. Or, frankly, the guts.

And the next face that popped up, made his blood freeze. The familiar face he got accustomed to seeing whenever he was free.

Mackenzie Knight.

Come to think of it, she didn't have anything to lose. Why would she insist he get rid of his father.

A fucking FBI agent.

If she didn't have enough motivation to push him off the cliff, he didn't know who did.

The skin in his body rose as waves on murderous rage hit him at once.

That fucking bitch. Two faced back stabbing bitch.

He was giving her a chance to start over. To live her life. He was giving her a key to get out of the prison and she three it back at his face like an ungrateful fucking cunt? How dare she! His teeth grinned against each other as he seethed in silent rage.

It wasn't a painful realization that she'd betrayed him. No, it was more along the lines of why hadn't he seen that coming. She didn't have problem turning over a new leaf to keep away from prison so why wouldn't she betray him! When the final destination of hers would BE prison if she teamed up with him.

His hands reached out to his phone that he had earlier discarded on impulse by throwing it on the table and scrolled through his contact list.

Fine. Since she didn't keep her end of the deal, he wouldn't keep his. It was only fair. Tit for tat.

"Bring Lia Knight to me stat." He ordered, his eyes narrowed in on nothing in particular other than invisible rage. He didn't give the other man time to respond before he ended the call and threw the stupid device back on the table.

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