Chapter 49

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"Tell me more about him." Riley said, pressing the earpiece into her ear.

"He stopped working in that hospital a week after you were born, it's unclear whether he quit his job or if he was fired. He started working in another hospital almost 2 months after leaving the other one under a different name. That's why it took me so long to find him." Casey explained what Oliver Saint had been up to since the past 24 years.

"Why did he change his name?" Riley wondered out loud.

Wheels started turning in her head. Did he have something to do with it? Was he part of human trafficking perhaps?

Dark thoughts started forming in her head. Why would a person change their name other than to hide their identity? What was he trying to hide from?

Maybe working as a cop for so long- and her being the victim- made her more suspicious of suspects. She told herself.

"Not sure." The other woman said with a frown.

"Do you want backup? He seems to know self defense." Casey informed her.

"I'll have my phone on me so you can hear what we are speaking about and if things take turn for the worst, then send backup." Riley said pulling up against his house. 

"I'm going in." Riley informed Casey, pulling her earpiece out of her ear and disconnecting bluetooth in her phone, and switching the call to her phone.

Casey hummed in response while Riley got out of the car to go near the house and knock on it.

Riley waited for a minute before knocking on the door again.

"No one's home, go away." A distant hoarse male voice from inside the house yelled out.

Riley looked at the door for a few seconds before rolling her eyes in disbelief.

How convincing.

Nevertheless, Riley persisted and knocked for the third time.

She could hear some shuffling from the opposite side of the door and soon the door opened revealing an old looking man with a lot of white hair scattered around in multiple spots.

Oliver Saint looked at the woman in front of him in annoyance.

"What do you want?" He grumbled out, irritated having been disturbed on his day off.

"I just want to talk." Riley said in a cheerful tone with the widest smile.

The guy looked at her weirdly. Are kids so free these days they want to talk to literal strangers? That didn't seem believable.

"About?" He said, suspiciously with one of his eyebrow raised.

"Well, you see, you were the attending physician while my mom gave birth to me and I've been really interested in becoming one myself. Can I get some few tips?" Riley said excitedly at first and changing to a pleading tone in the last sentence, as if she was really desperate and excited at the same time to talk to him.

Oliver scanned her from head to toe and then back up before stepping aside and gesturing her to come in.

"Where did you say you got my address from again?" Oliver closed the door once Riley got in and asked. His demeanor changed slightly and sounded suspicious.

Casey frowned hearing his tone and clicked on his files to see if she could find anything suspicious.

She got his address from the clinic he last visited for his knee aches and didn't really find anything strange about it, but hearing his question just left a strange feeling in her gut.

Who Is She?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें