Chapter 59

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Issac stood with a frozen and shocked look all over his face for good 2 minutes before his friend shook him back to reality.

"Can you belive it, we are working with THE Jason Matthews!" Christian exclaimed shaking Issac, who was in a state of senselessness, by the shoulder.

"No." He breathed out in a low tone.

'Control your girlfriend, she has been up my business for sometime now.'

His investors' words kept replaying and ringing in the back of his mind. His tone filled with anger and warning.

What did Lillian to do to provoke him? He wondered with a shocked blank look on his face. No. What did RILEY do to provoke him?

Once his mind started running again and everything fell into place he felt anger surge through his veins. And he was horrified.

Lillian wasn't the type to meddle in others business but Riley on the other hand.....

How did Mr. Matthews fall into the conclusion that it was Lillian?

He brought his palm to his face with every intention of ripping Riley into pieces ones he sees her again.

"What's wrong?" His friend asked in concern.

Issac shook his head. That was the problem! He didn't know what was wrong. What did Riley do that ticked the other guy off?

He couldn't recall Riley going on another mission other than....

Jason Matthews was the kidnapper?

Issac was quick to dismiss that thought as soon as it striked. He was a toddler when the incident took place.

Someone close to him?

Issac groaned out in distress, feeling like these thoughts were going to drive him insane.

"You said you wanted to visit your parents now, right? Have fun! I have a bone to pick with my dear sister." Issac said the last sentence through gritted teeth, anger visible in his eyes though he tried to hide it behind a strained smile.

Issac left the room before Christian could get a word out. He looked panicked and afraid, witnessing his friend leave in a hurry.

Was it something Jason said? He wondered as he felt a chill run down his spine with a worried look.

Only he knew how much he wished that assumption to be just that, an assumption.

Anxiety surely helped in fueling his thoughts, thoughts he'd much rather not have.

He hoped it wasn't anything related to the resort.

His parents hadn't been doing that great for a few years now and he has invested everything he had in this resort... and if it failed...

No! It can't- no, it won't fail. He thought to himself slapping his cheeks to stop himself from overthinking.

He can't be having such negative thoughts. He scolded himself, desperately trying to keep his thoughts from running wild.

Maybe there was a reason why Issac was behaving oddly. That didn't involve the resort. Yea, that had to be it. He convinced himself.


Max entered his father's office after his encounter with his sister.

Vincent didn't acknowledge his presence, as if stuck in his own world, staring off into space as he spun the pen he held in his hand in circular motions.

"Father." Max called out, which jolted Vincent out of his trance.

Vincent didn't think for a second 'Lillian' was telling the truth. He was certain it didn't happen or else he would've been informed of it when it happened.

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