Chapter 40

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Riley knocked on the door before confirming whether she was at the right address with one of the passerby.

The house seemed too big and luxurious for a mere nanny.

A 2 storey house with 8000 square meters which should be atleast 4 million dollar, not to mention the money needed just to maintain the garden.

Riley frowned as she thought of how Nancy managed to scrape that much money together.

She could hear someone walk towards the door before it opened revealing none other than Nancy.

"Who are..." Nancy trailed off as she took in the person that fired her from her well paying job with the least amount of work.

"No introduction required, I suppose." Riley said with a lop sided grin. Nancy's shocked face was imprinted in her mind when she- Laura, technically- fired her.

Ahh the only good thing she has done till now in this case.

"Step aside I need to search your house, you are suspected for affiliation with human trafficking." Riley stated revealing no emotion on her face but internally enjoyed the terrified look on Nancy's face.

"What? No. Who are you to search my house?" Nancy asked in a panicked tone.

"FBI." Riley replied with a proud smirk as she showed the older lady her ID.

"Riley.... but you're Lillian." Nancy asked in a breathless tone. Wheels spinning inside her head. Did she change her name?

Nancy looked over her shoulder to take a look inside her house- arousing Riley's suspicion, was she hiding something she wondered- before looking back as her.

Regaining her composure, Nancy straightened her back to look confident and intimidating- which was hard since Riley towered over her by good 2 inches.

"You don't have a warrant." She stated looking into Riley's eyes.

Riley gave her a wide smile at that. Thank God she asked Casey to issue a search warrant a few days ago.

She opened her leather jacket to search for the paper and shoved it into Nancy's chest before pushing past her and into the house.

Woah. If she though the exterior was luxurious then the interior was priceless.

How could a mere nanny afford this?

"What's your salary?" Riley asked as she looked around the giant house in wonder.

"How's that any of your business?" Nancy shot back, her lips twisting in irritation.

24 years ago she was looking after her tirelessly and this was the payment she received from this slip of a girl.

Riley's eyes stopped wandering as she took in the portrait of a familiar face. She brought her hand to her face in shock.

"Stephenie!" Riley exclaimed looking at Nancy- who looked annoyed.

"You know my daughter?" Nancy asked, tilting her head to the side with one eyebrow raised.

"Know her? I despice her with a passion! Aww you just gave me an even bigger reason to find something against you." She said with a mischievous and evil grin.

As she turned her head, she saw the top part of a statue- which she was really sure wasn't Nancy's.

"What's a 300k dollars worth bust doing at your place?" Riley asked excited, this is more than enough to prove either she is guilty of theft or that she is doing some shady business on the side to get this much cash.

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