Chapter 26

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Riley hopped joyfully and entered her home.

She had been living with Lillian since college but that doesn't mean she doesn't visit her parents. As a matter of fact, she sleeps at her parents' home for half a week and spends the other half at her apartment which she rents with her sister.

She saw her mom sitting on a sofa in the living room with her niece, Sylvie. She grimaced recalling the day she chased Lillian with Sylvie in her arms few years ago.

"Hey, mom! Where's dad?" She greeted before asking about her dad's whereabouts.

"In his office, dear." Her mother replied without turning around.

See- this is why she doesn't visit her parents when her niece is there. They always turn their attention towards her and leave her in the dark, as if she doesn't even exist.

She wouldn't have believed she'd be jealous of a child a few years ago. Ahhh good old times.

"Dad." She said, opening the door to his office not even bothering to knock.

Her dad glanced at her before he went back to communicating on the phone.

How rude! Why is everyone ignoring her today?

She silently sat down in the chair across him and relaxed.

Catching the leader of the sex trafficking ring was tiresome. Exciting but tiresome.

The cops are still getting him to confess about all the other atrocities he knows about but he refused to speak.

"What do you want?" Her dad asked after a couple minutes.

"Geez what sort of question is that? Like I'd come here because I want something?" Riley replied, being mock offended.

"Fine, how much do you want?"

Riley rolled her eyes. The previous question was much better compared to the latter.

"Alright joking aside. What do you want?" Benjamin asked in earnest. He could see something was bugging her.

Riley took a deep breathe. She knew her father would oppose this but she had to know. She needed to know the answer. Who kidnapped her and why?

She asked Lillian and Lillian was sure it wasn't her father since he'd rather die than hurt his wife in such a cruel manner.

Bullocks she said, if he wouldn't hurt his wife since hurting her child would hurt her then how could he just stand by and watch her get raped. Lillian just replied that he didn't know.

Still..... he was supposed to be her father, if he cared enough he would've known.

"I want to go undercover in my birth parents' house." She dropped the bomb.

Benjamin's mind stopped working when he heard that.

"Before you say something. My mind is set. I want to know my kidnapper." She said in a firm tone. Benjamin knew, since she was a kid, if she set her mind on something she wouldn't change her mind no matter what.

"Why would you want to know him? If anything- he did you a favor." Benjamin yelled out angrily, his voice turning bitter at the end, getting up from his seat and slammed him hands on the table.

"Dad. Breath."

"Sorry." Benjamin apologized for the outburst after calming down.

"Why?" He asked.

"The kidnapper managed to slip me out of the hospital without anyone noticing, don't you think that requires extreme planning? We are dealing with an expert. God knows how many children he has kidnapped from the hospitals." Riley explained.

Though she had to admit, she was a little curious about her birth parents too. No matter how much pain they caused her sister, she was still guilty of being curious about them.

"How are you planning to get in?" Benjamin asked, raising his eyebrow though he could already guess the answer.

"By pretending to be Lillian."

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