Out Of Here Soon

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~You have received a voice mail~

"hi hobi *sobbing *you..... You left your dairy here and *crying harder *why didn't you tell me baby, you could have talked to me, we could have fixed stuff I.... *sobbing more*.... Iam sorry, you didn't have to go through all that please come back, we can still fix things and......... 'mom' "

~~~~~~End of voice mail~~~~~

Jhope Pov.

I was still sitting there tired and sick of life, my fists covered in dryed blood, my throat sore from all the shouting and screaming.

After waking up from that state the sun was already starting to rise

Then I received this voice mail from the woman who had raised me and gave birth to me but I still can't manage to call her *mom* without feeling like iam calling it to the wrong person, a person who doesn't deserve that title.

But I haven't heard from my dad I wonder if he knows, and my sister I heard her at the end of the voice mail I wonder if mom would tell her.

I was about to throw my phone away when I remembered Tae, I have to call him, now that i live all alone and I don't even want to give my self a chance to think about going back to them for money, I need to start working.

I didn't text him like I usually do, I decided to call him, before I started calling him I went and reached for one of my backpacks to get some water.






Your call has been declined

What! why did he decline my call....

*nock* *nock*

"open up douchbag" tae's muffled voice appeared from behind the thick wooden door.

I quickly approached the door and opened it

"how did you........." I was about to ask how he found out I was here but then he interrupted

"traked you down, your phone was so easy to access didn't even have to get a professional, we should secure that bad boy if you want to work with me" he said giveing his infamous smirk.

"and how did you find my room" I asked not really surprised of what he just said

"the owner knew me and gave me your room number when I gave him your discreption because he did not know your name and... , long story short iam here okay " he said annoyed about the fact that he can't seem to explain anything well

"okay okay chill sooooo why are you here again? " I asked standing casually with my hands in my pockets

"iam here to............... What happened to your hand it's" He said reaching for one of my hands, carsing it softly with his hands and slowly moving his fingers over my scars and wounds on the back of my hand.

"I.......... It's nothing" I pulled my hands away almost instantly.

"how come it's nothing, can't you see" He sighed and draged me to the bathroom, he opened the faucet, water started flowing, he slowly started pulling my hands and putting it under the warm water and started rubbing the dried blood off making sure not to hurt me.

I was looking at him in surprise, wid eyed.

He finished cleaning my bloody fists and then dryed them whith a small towel that was hanging near the sink.

He finally layed an eye on me , seeing my expression he quickly let my hands go.

"you have training to do and..... You can't go with ingured, bloody fists" he said rubbing the back of his neck

"what training?" I said still drying my hands in the towel then throwing it on the edge of the sink.

"you have gun shooting training" He said his still, cold face taking over that old worried and concerned expression, I liked that over face better, he looked so good when he was all concerned and caring.


Tae's pov~~

I don't know why I did this, something inside me just moved when I saw his hands all bloody and cut, something in my head said that and my body agreed both then moving on there own, I have snapped out of this state after I was already done taking care of his little scars.

Man ever since I met this guy I have been weird.

"and what does that have to do with showing my loyalty or dedication shit" jhope asked whith his hands on his waist showing how tiny but defined it is.

"well the fact that you haven't called the police on us yet is quite enough kind of but being a part of the Mafia isn't all about loyalty and shit, some of us are absolute trash who would sell you for sand, there are other important things that you should learn like shouting guns, types of guns, alot of gun related stuff, drugs, prices of all those stuff and..... Do you know how to drive? "
He asked with one brow raised

" no"

"okay then we will work on that too, so what do you think, are you coming"

"well of course but for how long are you willing to let me stay here?" he asked getting some of his stuff off of the floor and his phone

"not for too long don't worry, once the requirements are done you will be ready to move in with the rest of the gang" I said heading out of the room with him following me behind while locking the door.

Hope you enjoy this so far and again iam asking yall to interact with me not only vote but comment talk with me and tell me your thoughts I would really appreciate it, I hope you liked this chapter sorry if it came late but I wasn't going to post this week at all because I posted twice the week before I think anyways have a nice day and don't forget to pray you heart out for our 3 boys suga, Jin and rm, get well soon babys, love you all bye 💜💜💜

I Want To Be A Criminal *vhope*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora