you will see

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Jhope pov

I was startled then by tae tugging on my sleeve and slowly pulling me away to the near exit.

I couldn't understand what was he doing until I felt my mom snatch me away from tae and pulling me close to her .

"Get away from my son you fucking criminal"she screamed at tae .

Tae didn't react ,just decided to take of his disguise and all of the people there started to back up and gasp .

Tae lifted his hands up in the air giving the most mischievous smirk I had ever seen.

I then harshly pulled away from her and dusted my clothes then preceded to walk over and stand beside tae .

"Get away from my man you bitch"tae said smiling at her then lowering his arms down and wrapping one around my waist .

Not another single word was let out cause soon cop's Sirens went of .

The guards imiditly guarded us and pulled us to safety,no one Dared to stop us ,all of them just back up as we ran out .

And while we were running my eyes landed on my so called mom and she was still standing there in shook as tears ran on her face .

That drew a smile on my face ,now you know how it feels,hope you like it .


"Damn that was fun "I said once we finally reached home again,as we got in we threw our shoes in different ways and directly went for the couch and layed there to relax from all the adrenaline rush.

"Hobi can I talk to you about something"tae asked out of the blue as I closed my eyes and relaxed

"Yeah of course,spite it out "I replied.

"I ........... I need help ,I really do ,and you are the only person that will probably ever understand me ,hobi it's painful and am just done ,I know you can't do anything your self because if you could you could have saved your self ,we both need help ,am done and I know you are too , sometimes I wake up in the morning and am just not feeling anything at all ,some other days am in Sever internal pain for no fucking reason and some other days I can't move or do anything ,all that iam incureged to do is go over to my night stand and take out some shit to inject in my body until am numb like always,I feel nothing but pain and sometimes not even pain ,I keep trying to hang on to things that keep me alive but I can't,I go around causing trouble and killing inocent people just for fun and to get my mide off of shit ,I just feel like this is my end and am telling you this so you would know where iam at if I ever disappear"tae said with a straight face .

His words hit me hard ,that was because I felt exactly the same , except for me always ending up stuck in the bathroom with a blad in hand and blood all over the floor or just have an anger frenzy and go punching everything around.

I knew how he felt .

"Tae ,I know how you feel ,but we have each other now , promise you won't die alone "I held up my pinky for him to connect his with mine .

"Believe me when I tell you we are together till the end , understand,now get your shit ready cause we have somewhere to go " I said changing the topic.

"To where now "tae asked .

"You will see " i replied as we got up to get ready for a new adventure.

Okay just to clear somethings up , Jungkook and Jimin went on a honeymoon or something and that's why they aren't home ,the deal between rm and tae was cancelled due to rm's inconvenience .

Guys I think I may stop posting on this story,there is no supporte and no nothing and tbh am starting to lose interest in this story.

This could be the last chapter of the story ,I will think about it and see If I will actually discontinue it or not ,but just to be clear , ending it has a higher chance .

I Want To Be A Criminal *vhope*Where stories live. Discover now