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"They're getting away!" Robin manages to get out in mumbles.

"What?" Starfire says confused.

"Azarath Metri--" Raven begins, but before she can continue Fang shoots his web at Raven's mouth, causing a domino affect. Raven knocks right into Beast Boy, who had turned himself into a gorilla and was charging forward. Raven caught him by surprise and when she knocked into him, Beast Boy stumbled backwards. He caught her in his arms.

Without a word, Cyborg runs forward, using his momentum against Fang. Cyborg's fist landed swiftly, and hard, punching Fang straight in the mouth.

"Fang!" Kitten growled angrily. She glares at Cyborg, holding a detonator of some kind. "Don't you dare touch him again or I won't hesitate to release the swarm!"

Cyborg backs down as Fang slowly lifts himself up with his spider legs. He runs his head, regaining his vision. Kitten glances over at Starfire, who had KillerMoth still captive.

"Hey you, let him go!"

"I will do no such thing you Milnip Wisserloop!"

"What did you call me?!" Kitten says enraged. KillerMoth was holding his head, almost as if he had a headache. Nobody could blame him though, Kitten was loud and obnoxious. She was definitely a handful.

Fang cuts in. "Nobody insults my Kitten!" Fang drives forward, sending Starfire backward into a wall. He shoots his venom at her. Starfire screams.

With barely enough time to intervene, Robin jumps forward, both hands around Star's torso. He pushes Starfire out of the way and the two land on the ground, Star still in his arms.

"I think we've had enough of you two." Cyborg says from behind and grabs a hold of her arm, picking her up and snatching the detonator from her clawing fingertips.

Kitten was beyond angry now. She continued to claw at Cyborg, kicking and screaming with rage. It drew Fang's attention off of Starfire and Robin.

"I-- uhhh..." Beast Boy says awkwardly, once he became human again. Raven was still in his arms, her hood off. Beast Boy's cheeks burned, and Raven looked away. He puts her down gently as they regain focus on the battle in front of them.

Raven and Beast Boy were finally back on their feet. "Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" As the words left her lips, Fang's webs were headed straight for Cyborg. Her magic turns the webs a dark black.

Raven sends the web back toward fang, tying his spider legs together and his human hands together too. Fang fell to the ground and grunts.

"Thanks Raven." Cyborg says, ignoring Kitten. She was still trying to reach his face. "Would you stop trying to claw my face off?" He passes her over to Beast Boy and Beast Boy turns into a snake, wrapping himself around her like a rope.  Kitten glares with defeat.

Robin and Starfire finally get to their feet too, both of them blushing. Robin turned away from Star, he did not want her to see.

Would she reject him if she knew he had feelings for her? "KillerMoth got away." Robin replies and Star notices his hand turn into a tight fist.

"Not for long, I've got his heat scan. He's heading North." Cyborg replies. A smile grows on Robin's face and the team escorts Fang and Kitten out of the building. The Elite prison guards show up in their usual white van and take the couple from there.

"Lock onto KillerMoth's position." Robin says directly to Cyborg. He turns to the others. "Raven, see if you can follow the energy coming from this device." Robin explains, and hands the detonator to Raven.

"Got a lock on Killer Moth, he's headed for the city's satellite tower." Cyborg intervenes. He was focused on his robotic arm sensors. He looks up at his friends.

"Titans, go!"

The Titans were now on their way to the bridge. Robin was on his Redbird motorcycle leading the team in front. He felt a little drowsy, but that wasn't going to stop him from catching another villain. He had a team to lead!

Starfire was flying overhead, her eyes glistened lime green and she gritted her teeth, trying to focus on the area ahead.

Raven glided behind Beastboy, her cape blowing behind her. She needed to meditate, everything was becoming too much for her and she could feel her emotions growing stronger.

"Ah, the Titans." KillerMoth growled. "You never give up, do you?"

"For the greater good? We'll always put up a fight." Robin fires back.

"I'm not going back to prison." KillerMoth replies angrily. "I'll put up a fight myself!"

Beastboy shape shifts into a raptor and sprints toward KillerMoth. "It's too late!" KillerMoth laughs, holding up his own detonator. Beastboy stops in his tracks.

"You must think this through!" Starfire yells to him, but it only provokes KillerMoth more. He laughs even louder now.

Raven was standing at the back of the team and the demon inside her was fighting to get out. Raven wanted to leave, she needed to meditate and actually sleep! She hadn't slept in a day or two and the feelings she was getting were nagging at her cloak she hid behind.

As Raven is thinking, the team begins their attack on Killer Moth and before she even realizes, Killer Moth's plans come to a close.

"Booyah!" Cyborg shouts as he hits KillerMoth with his mechanical arm cannon. Smoke blows from the barrel once more. KillerMoth finally drops the detonator and it lands on the road.

Starfire stops shooting her starbolts, Robin now stands in a resting pose, and Beast Boy returns to his human form.

"Nooo!!" KillerMoth yells as the elite guards push him into the white van. Cyborg brushes his hands together to get off the supposed dirt he had on them.

"Well done today team." Robin says as they watch the van disappear in the distance. The sun had already set and the day was already done.

"So, we can go home now?" Beast Boy says excitedly. His eyes were having a hard time staying open. With a small smile, Robin nods.

When the team got back to the tower, Beast Boy and Cyborg went straight to the fridge. Beast Boy ate a tofu burger he had saved the other day, and Cyborg ate a slice of pizza he had saved from pizza corner yesterday.

"Alarms are online. We're set for the night." Cyborg says to the team. Robin stood by the hallway door with a hand on his hip. He yawns.

Starfire, who had been staring at Robin, couldn't help but yawn herself. She looks away sheepishly. "Goodnight friends."

The group begins to head to their rooms. The first to leave is Robin, who mysteriously vanishes to the rooftop Nobody thought much of it, in fact nobody saw it. All except Starfire.

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