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"Looks like Doctor Light is turning oil into energy." Robin explains.

"And we don't have to track him down!" Cyborg says happily, and points across the way out of the window. "Let's go kick some butt!"

The team left the tower faster than they arrived last night. Beast Boy had gobbled down his pancakes and Raven didn't even touch hers.

When they arrived at the scene, Doctor Light had hooked himself up and energy started to flow into him. "Once I drain the energy from fifty thousand barrels of oil, I'll flood the city in never ending daylight!" He looks down at his hands.

Before he can do anything else, the cables detach from his suit. "Huh?" Robin's birdarangs come flying at Dr. Light's face. He jumps back, doing a quick flip out of the way and Cyborg's sonic blast takes out Dr. Light's energy source.

The smoke from the blast reveal the Titans. "You know, Doctor Light, for a guy obsessed with illumination, you're not very bright." Robin crosses his arms.

"Next time you're looking to steal something, you might want to pick a target we can't see from our living room." Raven says without emotion.

Doctor Light's eyes grow big. "Oh.. well, uhm-" Instead of continuing, Doctor Light jumps into action and tries to blast the Teen Titans.

The team separates before the blasts can even touch them. "That's a really pretty light show, but sound packs a bigger punch!" Cyborg says in reply. He shoots a sonic bolt from his arm cannon and Doctor Light blocks with his hands.

He grunts, throwing another light bolt at Cyborg who doesn't block in time, sending him backward until he lands into the ocean.

Doctor Light begins to throw his Light at Starfire, who is flying high in the sky. She holds her starbolts in her hands, dodging his blows, before throwing her own at him.

Doctor Light only smiles at her, putting up a light barrier to protect himself. He blasts her this time from his chest instead of through his hands. Shocked, Starfire does not move in time. She is sent flying by the impact.

Beast Boy and Robin are hiding behind some crates and watch Starfire hit the ground. Robin looks to Beast Boy. "We need to draw his fire."

"You got it." Beast Boy replies, and looks back over to Doctor Light. "Dude! Nice pajamas! Do they glow in the dark?"

In response, Doctor Light shoots at Beast Boy and Beast Boy quickly turns into a bat, flying away. Beast Boy surrounds Dr. Light before Robin jumps into view.

Using his martial arts, Robin packs a punch with his BoStaff. Now using his light as a whip, Doctor Light attempts to hit Robin. Robin dodges each blow.

Doctor Light sends Robin backwards, pushing him back towards the ocean. Robin does a few back flips in an attempt to dodge him, and jumps over Doctor Light. Running the opposite way. Beast Boy and Robin, working together, send Doctor Light to the beach down below the facility.

Starfire, Robin, and Beast Boy jump down to meet him. He gets back up quickly. "No one defeats Doctor Light! No one! Huh?"

Then Raven appears from the earth. "Remember me?" Her dark eyes weren't white anymore, they were a blood red. She had black tentacles coming from under her cloak and a dark smile on her face.

Doctor Light's face turned white out of fear. "I'd like to go to jail now." He whimpered. Robin, Starfire, and Beast Boy stand smiling. All of them except Beast Boy. Starfire began clapping once Cyborg hoisted himself out of the water.

He spits out the ocean water and looks at his sensor on his arm. "Alright!! The butt kicking's over and it's almost noon! Time for doughnuts! Yeah!!" Cyborg says putting his hands together in wishful thinking.

The team begins to escort Doctor Light away as Raven begins, "I'll see you back at the tower."

"But Raven," Robin begins, and Starfire continues for him. "You do not wish to enjoy the nuts of the dough? It is like eating sweet tiny wheels!" She shows the size with her fingers, but Raven has her back already turned.

She turns her head to look back at them. "I just want to get home." She begins flying toward the tower. The other Titans left in confusion. Beast Boy has an eyebrow raised.

The Titans go to get doughnuts together, picking their flavors and eating them in celebration. "We still have a few more villains to catch today." Robin says as he watches his team eat. He has his arms crossed. Starfire offers him a doughnut and she gives it to him happily.

Back at the tower, Raven walks into her room. She couldn't figure it out, why were her powers so out of control? Normally she only needed to meditate for an hour each day!

The day of the prophecy was the first thing to come to mind, but she still had at least a month before that day would come, surely it wasn't the cause. Raven began to meditate once again, this time for a longer amount of time. Raven tried to get herself to relax, but with all the pressure and stress she was under, it hardly seemed to be working. 

"Alright who's butt do we need to kick next?" Cyborg says after eating another doughnut.

"Plasmas is next, he's already been spotted. We should really get going." Robin answers.

The team headed out, all except Beast Boy. He was worrying too much about Raven. She had distanced herself from the team once again, and he couldn't quite put his finger on the why.

"Beast Boy, you coming?" Robin says as the team stand a foot away, all facing him. Starfire was flying next to Cyborg.

"Yeah." He scratched the back of his head and begins to follow the team.

Plasmas was getting bigger by the minute and with all the toxic waste he was eating, it wasn't looking too good.

Plasmas was on the street, picking up a large semi transporting green fluid. Plasmas ripped a hole and began drinking the fluid.

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